The GLSO needs YOU!

The GLSO has a dedicated board of directors that handles almost every aspect of being Lexington's premier gay service organization. Besides our single part-time staff person who keeps the Pride Center open during the week, volunteer board members make every service that we provide for the community happen.We need you to volunteer! We are always looking for new board members. We want every segment of the GLBTQQIA community represented on our board, and we welcome board members from every walk of life, regardless of race, nationality, age or physical ability. If you have a dedication to providing service to your community, we need you!Our board meetings are once a month and last a few hours, but we don't need board members who think that's their only commitment. Talking and making decisions is easy. We need board members with new ideas, who want to implement new services for our community and who are willing to get down in the trenches and get their hands dirty between meetings.Everyone has a skill we can use. Our current services include our newsletter, which needs writers and our website, which needs contributors. If you've know a thing or two about accounting or business, you can definitely help us! Take a look at the services we offer and see what you think you can do. Or suggest a new service or event that you think you can spearhead!We're a very welcoming and friendly group. Just drop by the Pride Center on the first Thursday of any month at 6:30pm to meet the current board and tell us how you'd like to help!See you there! 


Imperial Court of Kentucky's 31st Coronation


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