Please Note: The Lexington Pride Center is making these resources available to assist the LGBTQIA+ community in Central Kentucky in finding affirming connections and services. With the support of a grant from JustFundKY’s Cliff Todd Endowment, we are in the process of screening resources on this list by asking them to respond to a questionnaire containing information related to how they provide affirming services to LGBTQIA+ clients. As we receive these responses, we will publish them on this page. Until then, it is important to understand, that for the most part, we have only added resources that have been reported to us to be affirming of the LGBTQIA+ community. The only exceptions are for critical resources for which an LGBTQIA+ affirming alternative is not available. We are not responsible for individual experiences with any groups or providers listed. This list is for general information purposes only, is not comprehensive, and is not intended as legal, financial, or medical advice and should not be regarded as such. If you find incorrect information listed or have a negative experience with any of the resources here based on your LGBTQIA+ identity, please notify us at If you have an organization or resource that you’d like to see listed on this page, please have a representative from the organization fill out the questionnaire here to be considered for inclusion.
Children’s clothes - See The Nest in the For Survivors section below. They primarily serve IPV survivors, but not exclusively.
Nathaniel Mission - General clothes closet among other services, please see their entry in the Food section for location, contact information, etc.
Point of Pride - last updated 5/18/2023
Free chest binders or tucking undies sent to any trans person by mail, though it takes awhile. Other services include Annual Trans Surgery Fund, HRT Access Fund, and Electrolysis Support Fund. Applications are on the website linked above, and you can email with questions. Point of Pride is a trans-led organization focusing on trans health equity. You can change your name and/or gender marker in their records even if you haven’t changed them legally. Your name, email address, etc. are private, only anonymized information is shared with staff and grant funders. Staff who interact with you will be able to see the pronouns you’ve given, so they can gender you correctly. They will not ask about your sexual orientation or citizenship status. Applications include an option to designate a support person to receive all the same emails you get regarding your application, in case you need help due to language barriers, disability, inconsistent access to Internet, or other factors. Naming a support person is optional and will not positively or negatively affect your application status.
Rainbow Closet - last updated 7/19/23
Gender affirming clothing bank for LGBTQAI+ people, especially youth. Rainbow Closet can purchase limited items specifically for you, such as undergarments. Run by LGBTQAI+ owned business Open Doors Counseling (See the Mental Health section below for information on Open Doors Counseling.) To get clothes, call 859-212-9444 or email Patricia Hinds at
Safe Binding Information from Point of Pride
Safe Tucking Information from Point of Pride
Community Safety
Building Accountable Communities - Series of 20 videos on Transformative Justice from the Barnard Center for Research on Women, most range from 3-16 minutes, 3 videos are longer
Creative Interventions Toolkit - Full book written by Creative Interventions based on 3 years field work doing community accountability work in situations of violence, available for free download in English or Spanish, web-based interactive version in English with Maori banners, French & German translations in the works
Know Your Rights For Protestors - Recording of a training session by the National Lawyers’ Guild from Sept. 2023
StoryTelling and Organizing Project - From the STOP page: “The StoryTelling & Organizing Project was created to collect and share stories about everyday people taking action to end interpersonal violence. When we talked to people about community-based responses to violence, we began to hear stories from people usually starting with the question, “You mean something like this?” What followed were stories, lots of stories — each a unique lesson in courage, creativity and collective action. We decided to collect these stories to inform and inspire our work in community accountability and transformative justice.”
Think Twice Before Calling The Police - Video training series from the American Friends Service Committee. The AFSC is a Quaker organization, and the Quakers (AKA the Society of Friends or simply Friends) are a progressive, LGBTQAI+ friendly denomination of Christianity. They have been involved in social justice organizing for a long time, often anti-war, and played a role in the movement to abolish slavery. Now they are playing a similar role in the movement to abolish policing.
Video of Session 1: Grounding
AFSC North Star Vision: Seven guiding principles for imagining a world without prisons or policing
Reformist Reforms vs Abolitionist Reforms from Critical Resistance
One Million Experiments: Community based projects that expand our ideas about what keeps us safe
Don’t Call The Police: Resources to use instead of the police, organized by city and type of situation
History of Policing in America: video from Throughline, a history podcast from National Public Radio
AFSC Community Safety Beyond Policing: Lots more videos of recorded webinars about police militarization, copaganda, restorative justice, and more
AFSC bystander intervention tips for verbal de-escalation
Questions to ask yourself before calling the police:
If I call the police will that create more harm?
Is this situation more of an inconvenience? For example, is it worth it to ask lethally armed police to respond to something like loud music?
Can I talk the situation through with the other person? Can I use Distract, Direct, Delegate, Delay?
Is there a friend or neighbor I can call to help? Consider creating a safety text thread with people you trust. With one text, you can reach multiple people who might be able to come and help, maximizing the chance that someone will be available at the moment.
Can I call an emergency response hotline? See the “Crisis and Support Hotlines” section below for some you can call instead of police in different situations.
If you do decide you have to call 911:
Let people in the vicinity know if you call 911 so that they can leave if they feel unsafe.
Defer to an injured person’s autonomy before calling 911.
When law enforcement arrives have the person who is least vulnerable to police violence or criminalization interact with them.
Video of Session 2: Alternatives in Action
Give the Police Departments to the Grandmothers poetry performance by Junauda Petrus
AFSC’s Michigan Criminal Justice Program advocating for and with incarcerated people against state violence
AFSC’s Roots for Peace urban farming and community organizing effort in LA
Ann Arbor, Michigan’s Care Based Safety project to create an unarmed first-responder system to provide care, de-escalate conflicts, and plan for supports that will prevent the problem from arising again.
Coalition for Re-imagining Our Safety, the advocacy group that successfully lobbied the City of Ann Arbor to develop an unarmed urgent response program.
Sociocracy For All, the organization helping Care Based Safety develop a decentralized governance structure for more equal power-sharing than in a typical nonprofit organization.
America Is A Sham, article arguing that “Policy changes in reaction to the coronavirus reveal how absurd so many of our rules are to begin with.”
Video of Session 3: Mental Health Crisis Response
988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline national hotline for mental health crises
Mental health resource list from Mental Health First Aid
National Alliance on Mental Illness
Video of Session 4: De-Escalation
Interrupting Criminalization offers political education materials, organizing tools, support skill-building and practice spaces for organizers and movements challenging criminalization and the violence of policing and punishment to build safer communities.
Project LETS We build peer support collectives, lead political education, develop new knowledge and language around mental distress, organize and advocate for the liberation of our community members globally, and create innovative, peer-led, alternatives to our current mental health system.
AFSC Bystander Intervention Toolkit
If you are resolved to think twice before calling the police, take the Think Twice Pledge, and receive ongoing support and resources from AFSC. You can also uncheck the boxes signing you up for updates before hitting submit if you don’t want them.
Transform Harm - From the site: “ is a resource hub for ending violence. We are not an organization. This site offers an introduction to transformative justice. Created by Mariame Kaba and designed by Lu Design Studio, the site includes selected articles, audio-visual resources, curricula, and more.”
Weathering the Storm: Safety Planning for Natural Disasters - From the video description: “Intimate partner violence and sexual violence increase during disasters. Trans communities have a unique set of experiences and needs related to both natural disasters and violence. In this training, we discuss safety planning with trans survivors for the intersection of intimate partner violence and disasters. Participants have the chance to brainstorm tools and resources useful in their communities and lives.”
Crisis and Support Hotlines
988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline - last updated 8/25/2023
Provides 24/7, free and confidential support for people in distress, mental health resources for those at risk and their loved ones. Call 988 and press 1 for veterans, 2 para español, or 3 for LGBTQAI+ youth (under 25). If you don’t select one of these, the call redirects to your local mental health crisis center based on your phone’s area code. In Lexington, this is New Vista’s 24-hour helpline. You can also send a text to the phone number 988 to begin a text message conversation. Textea “ayuda” para empezar su charla de texto en español. For help in languages other than English or Spanish, once you’re connected to a person, ask for an interpreter or simply say the name of the language you need. The operator should be able to get an interpreter within a couple of minutes. You can also chat online through the website: for online chat in English para charla en linea en español for American Sign Language
Ampersand Sexual Violence Resource Center - 24 hour Support Line 859-253-2511 - Last Updated 11/15/2023
Local rape crisis center for Fayette, Harrison, Nicholas, Franklin, Scott, Bourbon, Anderson, Woodford, Clark, Mercer, Jessamine, Boyle, Lincoln, Gerrard, Madison, Estill, and Powell counties. Provides 24-hour hotline support, free therapy for sexual assault survivors, medical advocacy when survivors go to emergency rooms, help navigating the legal process for survivors who choose to pursue it, and equine-assisted therapy groups.
LGBT National Help Center - last updated 1/25/2024
Provides vital connections to the LGBTQIA+ community through anonymous and private hotline support lines, one-to-one online chat, moderated youth chatrooms, and resources. Allowing for a safe environment to talk openly and honestly about issues and concerns on gender and/or sexual identity, coming out, relationships, discrimination, isolation and much more. All-LGBTQAI+ volunteers provide free peer support, listening, affirmation and referrals to all ages in the LGBTQIA+ community Monday through Friday from 4pm to midnight and Saturday from noon to 5:00 pm eastern time.
General LGBT National Hotline: 888-843-4564
Youth Line (25 and younger): 800-246-7743
Elders’ Line (50+): 888-234-7243
Coming Out Line: 888-688-5428
One-to-one online peer support:
Online resource database:
New Vista Helpline - 1(800)928-8000 Last Updated 5/26/23
This hotline is the entry point for all of New Vista’s services, including therapy, medication, addiction treatment, housing and financial assistance for people with mental illnesses, and more. Crisis services include crisis assessment and evaluation, safety planning and stabilization strategies, clinical consultation, and referral to acute behavioral healthcare in the least restrictive environment. The support line professionals can provide general information about overdoses. The agency can dispatch intensive case managers to provide intensive support to people with intellectual and developmental disabilities to help them resolve their crisis and remain in their home or community. Deaf and Hard of Hearing folks can call the helpline or email for support, crisis and appointments. New Vista employs staff who use American Sign Language. They provide services for anyone in their service area- Fayette, Anderson, Bourbon, Boyle, Clark, Estill, Franklin, Harrison, Jessamine, Lincoln, Madison, Powell, Scott, Nicholas, Woodford, Mercer, and Garrard counties. Services are provided regardless of ability to pay. They accept accept Medicare, Medicaid, private insurance and offer sliding scale fees. Some of their staff openly identifies as LGBT+.
RAINN – Rape Abuse & Incest National Network -1-800-656-HOPE (4673) - Last updated 1/25/2024
National sexual assault hotline, redirects to your local one if you have one in your area. In Fayette, Harrison, Nicholas, Franklin, Scott, Bourbon, Anderson, Woodford, Clark, Mercer, Jessamine, Boyle, Lincoln, Gerrard, Madison, Estill, and Powell counties, this is Ampersand Sexual Violence Resource Center’s 24-hour support line. Chat online with a RAINN support specialist at for a range of free services including: confidential support from a trained support specialist, someone to help you talk through what happened, resources that can assist with your next steps toward healing and recovery, referrals for long term support in your area, and information about the laws and resources in your community.
SAGE National LGBT Elder Hotline - (877) 360-LGBT (5428) Last Updated 5/26/23
If you are an LGBT elder or care for one, call the free hotline 24/7 for connection, crisis care or support.
THRIVE Lifeline - text “THRIVE” to 313.662.8209 Last Updated 9/6/2023
THRIVE is a trans-led 24/7 text line for marginalized people in general: queer, people of color, disabled, neurodiverse, and more, particularly those in STEMM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math, and Medicine). All crisis texters are in STEMM fields and have at least one marginalized identity. They will never call 911 without your consent. They have a trans-specific Discord community and a variety of online resources and book recommendations to support your mental health.
Trans Lifeline - (877) 565-8860 Last Updated 12/5/2023
Taking a break Dec. 18-31, 2023
Trans LifeLine is a peer support hotline run by and for trans people. Beginning Jan. 1, 2024, the hours will be Monday-Friday 1pm-9pm Eastern Standard Time, or noon-8pm Central. They plan to bring weekends back at some point in 2024. Call when you need someone trans to talk to, even when you are not in crisis or if you are not sure you are trans. Trans LifeLine will never call 911 without your consent and does not collect geolocation data from hotline calls. They will not share data about you with law enforcement unless you explicitly ask them to. They also have microgrants for name changes, gender affirming hair removal, and survival while incarcerated. Trans LifeLine also has an extensive resource library on their website. Hotline calls are anonymous, so you will not have to provide any information about yourself. For microgrant applications, you can change your name and gender marker in their records even if you haven’t changed them legally. They will only ask about sexual orientation as part of optional demographic info that is not linked to your application, and is only stored as aggregate data (percentages, number of applicants/recipients who identify with a given category, etc.) The only time citizenship status matters is when you are applying for a microgrant to change your legal name or gender marker, which may only be available to U.S. citizens.
The Trevor Project - (866) 488-7386 Last Updated 5/26/23
Provides 24/7 free crisis counseling for LGBTQIA+ youth 25 and under. You can also text “Start” to 678-678 or connect through their website at to chat. TrevorText is a textline that operated Thursday and Friday 4-8PM EST. To use the textline, text the word “Trevor” to 1-202-304-1200. Standard messaging rates apply.
Deafness and Disability
A Caring Place - Faith based but queer accepting support space seeking to reduce isolation among the elderly and the disabled with free classes, meetups, meals, and more. Details in the Support Groups section below
Access Lexington Commission - Last updated 12/26/2023
The Commission works to promote the inclusion and empowerment of people with disabilities within the Lexington-Fayette Urban County community, and to advise the Mayor and the Urban County Council on issues that impact persons with disabilities. Access Lexington is a Commission with members appointed by the Mayor. It does not serve clients directly, it is more of an advisory group to inform Council and Mayor about issues related to persons living with disabilities. Meeting details are available here.
Phone: (859) 278-6072 or (859)469-5383
Blind LGBT Pride International - Last updated 9/8/2022
From their website: “Through email lists, a podcast, a blog, virtual townhall conversations and an annual gathering at the American Council of the Blind convention, we reach out and support each other.”
phone: (786) 547-5465
Deaf Queer Resource Center - Last updated 12/22/2023
National nonprofit organization for Deaf queer people, current link goes to their facebook page but a new website is under construction at
P.O. Box 14431
San Francisco, CA 94114
Free Slate and Stylus program - Last updated 9/8/2022
From the website: “The National Federation of the Blind will distribute a plastic, four-line, twenty-eight cell slate along with a saddle stylus to those that need them. That includes those that are blind and low vision who know Braille or want to learn Braille. The slate and stylus have long been and continue to be valuable tools for writing Braille, which is vital to literacy for the blind. It is the only Braille-writing device that has the same portability, flexibility, and affordability as a pen and pencil. From labeling your canned goods to jotting down a phone number, the uses and advantages of the slate and stylus for the blind are as varied as those of a pen and pencil for the sighted.” Any blind person living in the United States or Puerto Rico is eligible. Info, online application, printable application & address to mail it, and info about how to use a slate and stylus are at For other info, please email or call 410-659-9314.
Free White Cane program - Last updated 9/8/2022
The National Federation for the Blind offers free white canes for any blind person living in the United States or Puerto Rico. You can request a new one as often as every 6 months. Info, online application, printable application & address to mail it, and info about how to use it are at For more information, please contact or 410-659-9314.
HDI C.A.T.S. Center for Assistive Technology Services - Last updated 12/20/2023
Lending library of durable medical equipment and mobility aids from canes and walkers to power chairs, bed rails, shower chairs, and more. It’s all free to check out, and some items can be given permanently.
2358 Nicholasville Rd Suite 180
Lexington, KY 40503
Hours: Monday-Friday 9am-4:30pm
Phone: 859-218-7979
Project LETS - Last updated 1/25/2024
From the website: “We fight for self-determination, opportunity, and equity for all Disabled, Mad, neurodivergent, and mentally ill folks.” Mission statement: “We build peer support collectives, lead political education, develop new knowledge and language around mental distress, organize and advocate for the liberation of our community members globally, and create innovative, peer-led, alternatives to our current mental health system.”
National Federation of the Blind LGBT+ Group - Last updated 11/3/2023
The purpose of the National Federation of the Blind (NFB) LGBT+ Group is to provide a place for members of the Federation to discuss matters unique to being both blind and LGBTQ+, to provide mentorship to blind individuals, and to serve as a resource to the Federation. In the NFB, we want the blind to speak for themselves, so we want the LGBTQ+ community that is blind to speak for itself in the same way. All posts in this group are public, so please keep this in mind when posting. If you would like your communications to remain private, please send a private message to a group administrator or other trusted group member.
Queer books available in Braille with links to purchase them
Rainbow Alliance of the Deaf - Last updated 12/22/2023
RAD is an international organization for Deaf queer people. They had a conference in 2023 and are planning another one for 2025.
Instagram: @rainbowallianceofthedeaf
Using Zoom With A Sign Language Interpreter - Tips from the UK Human Development Institute on using Zoom with a sign language interpreter
ACLU of Kentucky - Please see their entry in the Legal section.
Berea Human Rights Commission - Last updated 9/22/2023
This is different from the Human Rights Campaign, a national LGBT organization known for its blue and yellow equals sign stickers and its laser focus on same-sex marriage until 2015. The Human Rights Commission is a local agency created by the city government to investigate cases of discrimination in employment, housing, and public accommodation, including those impacting LGBTQIA+ people. FREE investigations of discrimination cases in Kentucky regarding housing, employment, and public accommodation in Berea, KY
212 Chestnut St
Berea KY 40403
Phone: 859-228-1045
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission - Last updated 1/5/2022
FREE investigations of employment discrimination anywhere in the USA
National office:
131 M Street, NE
Washington, DC 20507
Kentucky office:
600 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Place Suite 268
Louisville, KY 40202
Phone: 202-921-3191
TTY: 1-800-669-6820
ASL Video Phone: 1-844-234-5122
Kentucky Commission on Human Rights - Last updated 1/5/2022
FREE investigations of discrimination cases in Kentucky regarding housing, employment, and public accommodation. Note: some cities have their own Human Rights Commissions that investigate discrimination within those areas.
332 W. Broadway, Suite 1400
Louisville, Kentucky 40202
Phone: (502) 595-4024
Kentucky Fair Housing Council - Last updated 9/1/2023
The Kentucky Fair Housing Council is a civil rights agency that investigates complaints of housing discrimination throughout the state of Kentucky. As defined by the Fair Housing Act, unfair or different treatment against someone because of their race, skin color, religion, sex, gender, sexual orientation, national origin, familial status (having children under 18 living with you) and/or disability (visible and non-visible) are considered discriminatory acts. This can include discrimination in renting, purchasing, or borrowing money for housing. All of their services are free.
They have LGBTQAI+ staff members and have represented LGBTQAI+ people and people living with HIV, as well as people perceived to be in those groups. You can change your name and/or gender marker in their records even if you haven’t changed them legally. Client information is stored in a secure, cloud-based database that only current staff has access to, but details about the clients’ cases, such as name, address, nature of discrimination complaint, and notes about the case may be included in grant reports. Their intake interview will ask you your pronouns, and that info will be in their database with the rest of your info for staff involved in your case. They only ask your sexual orientation if it’s relevant to the discrimination you experienced.
They are also knowledgeable about landlord/tenant law in general, so they can answer questions and suggest strategies to protect yourself as a renter even if it’s not directly related to discrimination.
Kentucky Fair Housing Council
207 E Reynolds Road, Suite 130
Lexington, KY 40517
Hours: 9am-4pm
Bathrooms: Men's and Women's only, individuals may use whichever they prefer
Call (859) 971-8067, or outside of Lexington toll free at (866) 438-8617
Lexington Human Rights Commission - Last Updated 9/1/2023
This is different from the Human Rights Campaign, a national LGBT organization known for its blue and yellow equals sign stickers and its laser focus on same-sex marriage until 2015. The Human Rights Commission is a local agency created by the city government to investigate cases of discrimination in employment, housing, and public accommodation, including those impacting LGBTQIA+ people. You can find the form and instructions for filing here or call them at (859) 252-4931. For discrimination cases outside of Fayette County, there is a statewide version called Kentucky Commission on Human Rights, and some other cities also have their own.
Mistreated in a Medical Setting? - PDF guide from KY Health Justice Network on how to file a grievance if you are mistreated in a medical setting
Richmond Human Rights Commission - Last updated 7/19/2022
This is different from the Human Rights Campaign, a national LGBT organization known for its blue and yellow equals sign stickers and its laser focus on same-sex marriage until 2015. The Human Rights Commission is a local agency created by the city government to investigate cases of discrimination in employment, housing, and public accommodation, including those impacting LGBTQIA+ people. FREE investigations of discrimination cases in Richmond, KY regarding housing, employment, and public accommodation
P.O. Box 1113
Richmond, KY 40476
Phone 859-248-5564
A Caring Place - Faith based but queer accepting support space seeking to reduce isolation among the elderly and the disabled with free classes, meetups, meals, and more. Details in the Support Groups section below
SAGE - National organization for LGBTQAI+ elders
Pride Center SIP Dinner - Community meal in honor of our queer elders, all ages welcome to come share dinner with the elders, 3rd Friday of every month at Lexington Pride Center, SIP stands for Seasoned Independent People
Faith, Religion, and Spirituality
A La Familia: Una Conversación Sobre Nuestras Familias, la Biblia, la Orientación Sexual y la Identidad de Género/A Conversation About Our Families, the Bible, Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity - Bilingual guide in English and Spanish for Latine Christians struggling with LGBTQ issues, somewhat dated but honest exploration for people who want to embrace both their Christian faith and their or a loved one’s LGBTQ identity/Guía bilingue en inglés y español para Cristianes Latines luchando con temas LGBTQ, una exloración algo anticuada pero honesta para gente que quieren abrazar ambos su fé Cristiana y su identidad LGBTQ propia o la de un ser amado.
Bluegrass Rainbow Faith Communities interfaith directory of LGBTQAI+ affirming congregations in Kentucky - Last updated January 2021
Bethesda Tabernacle - Pentecostal church started by a gay couple, LGBTQAI+ affirming, interpreters available for several languages including Spanish at the English service
English service with interpreters:
11:00am on Sundays at 124 E Tiverton Way, attended by openly trans people and Spanish-speaking families
Spanish-only service:
10am on Sundays at 171 American Avenue, may not be as LGBTQAI+ accepting
Gender Identity and our Faith Communities: A congregational guide for transgender advocacy - Guide in English for finding a positive view of transgender people and inspiration to advocate for trans rights in Christianity and Judaism
I Am Not Haraam - Tumblr blog by and for LGBTQAI+ Muslims containing art, poetry, articles, and short thoughts from readers
Many Voices - Last updated 12/27/2023
From their website: “As a Black church movement for gay and transgender justice, we envision a community that embraces the diversity of the human family and ensures that all are treated with love, compassion, and justice.”
3133 Dumbarton Street, NW
Washington, DC 20007
Muslim Alliance for Sexual and Gender Diversity - MASGD puts on a yearly conference for LGBTQAI+ Muslims and their partners, advocates for LGBTQAI+ rights and racial justice, and the website contains absolutely beautiful love letters to the queer Muslim community as well as an extensive and well-organized resource list for queer Muslims.
Muslim Youth Leadership Council at Advocates for Youth - From the website: “The Muslim Youth Leadership Council (MyLC) is a group of Muslim-identifying people ages 17-24 from across the country, working locally and nationally as activists, organizers, writers, leaders and more to promote LGBTQ rights, immigrant rights, and sexual and reproductive health and rights for Muslims. MyLC focuses on four main areas of work: countering Islamophobia and anti-Muslim hate, strengthening sexual health and reproductive rights for young Muslims, promoting LGBTQ rights and supporting queer Muslims, and working towards racial justice and countering anti-Blackness in our communities.” There is also an email list you can sign up for to get updates on MyLC’s activities.
Transfaith - Last updated 12/20/2023
From their website: “Transfaith is a national non-profit that is led by transgender people. We are a multi-tradition, multi-racial, multi-gender, multi-generational organization working to support transgender spiritual/cultural workers and their leadership in community. We work closely with many allied organizations, secular, spiritual, and religious, transgender-led and otherwise. We believe that the experiences, spiritual vitality, and leadership of people of transgender experience make our communities stronger and more vibrant. We bring people together to develop conversation, strategy, and community in order to help us all reach our full potential.” It’s not just for Christians; the website has sections on Indigenous, Pagan, Eastern, Jewish, Christian, Muslim, and Non-Theistic traditions.
Finding and Accessing Healthcare
Elevated Access - Free flights for trans health care or abortion care, see the entry in the Trans Health Care section for links
Kentucky Health Justice Network - Last updated 12/28/2023
KY Health Justice Network provides advocacy, help navigating systems, and financial assistance for both abortion and trans health care. They can refer individuals to a variety of gender affirming resources throughout Kentucky.
Phone: 502-694-2227
email: or
Lexington Pride Center People’s Market - last updated 12/23/2022
Free grocery bags for pickup on Thursdays or delivery on Wednesdays. Clients must sign up in advance. Currently full with a waiting list, prioritizes queer community and people with disabilities. Call 859-253-3233 or email
Central Christian Church - last updated 7/7/2022
In the Rainbow Faith Communities directory. Various assistance programs and items are offered from the free pantry. There may be canned items, cereal, meat, or some fresh produce, possibly baby formula, Ensure for seniors, or paper products like toilet paper or napkins.
219 East Short Street
Lexington, KY 40507
(859) 255-6592
Northside Library Food Pantry - last updated 7/1/2022
Food is provided by God’s Pantry but in a nonreligious library setting (God’s Pantry is a partner in Pride Center’s People’s Market). First come first served, show up early to get in line. Also provides diapers and formula if in stock.
1733 Russell Cave Rd
Lexington KY 40505
Phone: 859-231-5591
Hours: Monday-Friday 12-2:00pm
Nathaniel Mission - last updated 7/1/2022
Religious, members of our community have had good experiences there. The Mission Market is open every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday at 11 AM and guests must be there by 11:45AM. To access the Mission Market, clients must bring a picture ID as proof of address and may shop once a month for each household. It has food, cleaning supplies, personal hygiene products, and pet food. Walk-in hours for housing help, job placement, health clinics, clothes closet are Tues. Wed. & Thurs. 9am-noon.
1109 Versailles Road
Lexington, KY, 40508
Community Action Council West End Location - last updated 6/1/2022
We don’t know how queer affirming. God's Pantry pickup location. Must have appointment, bring picture ID, and be a Fayette County Resident.
1902 Cambridge Drive
Lexington, KY 40504
main phone: (859) 246-1192
Mary Alyce Daniels, God's Pantry Coordinator: 859-255-6596
Lexington Share Center - last updated 7/7/2022
We don’t know how queer affirming. Food, clothing bank, job assistance, free clinic, and more.
572 Georgetown Street
Lexington, Kentucky 40508-0031
Lima Drive Food Pantry - last updated 7/7/2022
Seventh Day Adventist church, not in the Rainbow Faith Communities directory.
541 Lima Drive
Lexington, Kentucky 40511-1084
Northeast Christian Church - last updated 7/7/2022
Not in the Rainbow Faith Communities directory. Besides food, may have clothes or hygiene supplies. Must show ID proving Fayette County residence. Servicios pueden ser disponibles en español, depende del día.
990 Star Shoot Parkway
Lexington, KY 40509
Food Pantry Hours: Saturdays 10am-noon
859.299.1251, ext 209 (you must leave a message and a team member will return your call)
St. Luke United Methodist Church - last updated 7/7/2022
Not in the Rainbow Faith Communities directory. God’s Pantry location.
2351 Alumni Drive
Lexington, Kentucky
Pantry is in the back of St. Luke by door 6
To schedule a food box pickup, call
859-259-2308 (English)
859-396-2977 (Habla Español)
Salvation Army - last updated 7/1/2022
(last resort- not queer affirming!) Jessamine or Fayette County residents can apply for food assistance: requires an interview to determine eligibility as well as identification, a rent receipt, Social Security card and verification of income.
736 West Main Street
Lexington, KY 40507
Lexington phone: (859) 252-7706
205 South 1st Street
Nicholasville, KY
Nicholasville phone: (859) 881-4241
Mon-Fri 9am-11am
Free Prepared Meals Schedule - Queer community acceptance info is included for each location if we have any knowledge.
Hopemobile (nonreligious) parked at 150 East High street (Calvary Baptist Church, not in the Rainbow Faith Communities directory) 7:30am - 1:30pm - last updated 6/17/2022
Catholic Action Center (religious, policies against bullying queer people, shelter houses trans people according to their lived genders) 1055 Industry Rd - Inside meal: 9am, noon, and 5:30pm To go: 9:30am, 12:30pm, and 6pm - last updated 6/17/2022
Lexington Rescue Mission (religious, members of our community have had good experiences there) 444 Glen Arvin Ave. 9am and noon - last updated 6/17/2022
St. Paul’s Church (not in the Rainbow Faith Communities directory) 501 Short Street 12:00pm-12:30pm - last updated 6/17/2022
Lighthouse Ministries (religious, we don’t know how queer affirming) 190 Spruce St 12:00-1:00pm and 5:30-6:30pm - last updated 6/17/2022
Grace Baptist Church (not in the Rainbow Faith Communities directory) 811 Bryan Avenue 2:30-4:30pm - last updated 7/1/2022
Hope Center (nonreligious, shelter does not house trans people according to their lived genders) (do not have to be staying there) 360 W Loudon Avenue 5pm-6pm - last updated 8/17/2022
Foodchain (nonreligious) (to go meals) 501 W. Sixth St, Suite 105 5:30pm-7:00pm - last updated 1/2/2024
Hopemobile (nonreligious) parked at 530 East High St (Woodland Christian Church, in the Rainbow Faith Communities directory) 7:30am-1:30pm - last updated 6/17/2022
Catholic Action Center (religious, policies against bullying queer people, shelter houses trans people according to their lived genders) 1055 Industry Rd - Inside meal : 9am, noon, and 5:30pm To go: 9:30am, 12:30pm, and 6pm - last updated 6/17/2022
Lexington Rescue Mission (religious, members of our community have had good experiences there) 444 Glen Arvin Ave. 9am and noon - last updated 6/17/2022
St Paul’s Church (not in the Rainbow Faith Communities directory) 501 Short Street 12:00pm-12:30pm - last updated 6/17/2022
Lighthouse Ministries (religious, we don’t know how queer affirming) 190 Spruce St. 12:00-1:00pm and 5:30-6:30pm - last updated 6/17/2022
Hope Center (nonreligious, shelter does dot house trans people according to their lived genders) (do not have to be staying there) 360 W Loundon Avenue 5pm-6pm - last updated 8/17/2022
Hopemobile (nonreligious) parked at 180 Maxwell St (Maxwell St Presbyterian, in the Rainbow Faith Communities directory) 7:30am-1:30pm - last updated 6/17/2022
Catholic Action Center (religious, policies against bullying queer people, shelter houses trans people according to their lived genders)1055 Industry Rd - Inside meal: 9am, noon, and 5:30pm To go: 9:30am, 12:30pm, and 6pm - last updated 6/17/2022
Lexington Rescue Mission (religious, members of our community have had good experiences there) 444 Glen Arvin Ave. 9am and noon - last updated 6/17/2022
St Paul’s Church (not in the Rainbow Faith Communities directory) 501 Short Street 12:00-12:30pm - last updated 6/17/2022
Lighthouse Ministries (religious, we don’t know how queer affirming) 190 Spruce St. 12:00-1:00pm and 5:30-6:30pm - last updated 6/17/2022
Hope center (nonreligious, shelter does dot house trans people according to their lived genders) (do not have to be staying there) 360 W Loundon Avenue 5pm-6pm - last updated 8/17/2022
Foodchain (nonreligious) (to go meals) 501 W. Sixth St, Suite 105 5:30pm-7:00pm - last updated 1/2/2024
Hopemobile (nonreligious) parked at 187 N Broadway (Broadway Christian Church, not in the Rainbow Faith Communities directory) 7:30am-1:30pm - last updated 6/17/2022
Lexington Rescue Mission (religious, members of our community have had good experiences there) 444 Glen Arvin Ave. 9am and noon - last updated 6/17/2022
Catholic Action Center (religious, policies against bullying queer people, shelter houses trans people according to their lived genders)1055 Industry Rd - Inside meal: 9am, noon, and 5:30pm To go: 9:30am, 12:30pm, and 6pm - last updated 6/17/2022
St Paul’s Church (not in the Rainbow Faith Communities directory) 501 Short Street 12-12:30pm - last updated 6/17/2022
Lighthouse Ministries (religious, we don’t know how queer affirming) 190 Spruce St. 12:00-1:00pm and 5:30-6:30pm - last updated 6/17/2022
Grace Baptist Church (not in the Rainbow Faith Communities directory) 811 Bryan Avenue 2:30-4:30pm - last updated 7/1/2022
Maxwell Street Presbyterian Church (in the Rainbow Faith Communities directory) 180 East Maxwell Street 3:00-5:00pm to-go only - last updated 7/1/2022
Hope center (nonreligious, shelter does dot house trans people according to their lived genders) (do not have to be staying there) 360 W Loundon Avenue 5pm-6pm - last updated 8/17/2022
Hopemobile (nonreligious) parked at 187 N Broadway (Broadway Christian Church, not in the Rainbow Faith Communities directory) 7:30am-1:30pm - last updated 6/17/2022
Lexington Rescue Mission (religious, members of our community have had good experiences there) 444 Glen Arvin Ave. 9am and noon - last updated 6/17/2022
Catholic Action Center (religious, policies against bullying queer people, shelter houses trans people according to their lived genders)1055 Industry Rd - Inside meal: 9am, noon, and 5:30pm To go: 9:30am, 12:30pm, and 6pm - last updated 6/17/2022
St Paul’s Church (not in the Rainbow Faith Communities directory) 501 Short Street 12-12:30pm - last updated 6/17/2022
Lighthouse Ministries (religious, we don’t know how queer affirming) 190 Spruce St. 12:00-1:00pm and 5:30-6:30pm - last updated 6/17/2022
Hope center (nonreligious, shelter does dot house trans people according to their lived genders) (do not have to be staying there) 360 W Loundon Avenue 5pm-6pm - last updated 8/17/2022
Foodchain (nonreligious) (to go meals) 501 W. Sixth St, Suite 105 5:30pm-7:00pm - last updated 1/2/2024
Lexington Pride Center (3rd Friday of each month) 389 Waller Ave. Suite 100 - SIP Intergenerational Dinner honoring queer elders, all ages welcome - 7:00pm - last updated 12/23/2022
Catholic Action Center (religious, policies against bullying queer people, shelter houses trans people according to their lived genders)1055 Industry Rd - Inside meal: 9am, noon, and 5:30pm To go: 9:30am, 12:30pm, and 6pm - last updated 6/17/2022
1st Presbyterian Church (in the Rainbow Faith Communities directory) (Last Saturday of each month) 171 Market Street 11:30am-1pm - 7/1/2022
Lexington Rescue Mission (religious, members of our community have had good experiences there) 444 Glen Arvin Ave. 12:00-1pm - last updated 6/17/2022
Lighthouse Ministries (religious, we don’t know how queer affirming) 190 Spruce St. 12:00-1:00pm and 5:30-6:30pm - last updated 6/17/2022
Hope center (nonreligious, shelter does dot house trans people according to their lived genders) (do not have to be staying there) 360 W Loundon Avenue 5pm-6pm - last updated 8/17/2022
Catholic Action Center (religious, policies against bullying queer people, shelter houses trans people according to their lived genders) 1055 Industry Rd - Inside: 9am, noon, and 5:30pm To go: 9:30am, 12:30pm, and 6pm - last updated 6/17/2022
Nathaniel Mission (Religious, members of our community have had good experiences there) Bible Study & Breakfast - 1109 Versailles Road - Doors at 9, meal at 9:30 - last updated 7/1/2022
Church Under the Bridge worship & meal (we don’t know how queer affirming) April-Oct outdoors @ 4th & MLK, Nov-March in the Fellowship Hall of Broadway Christian Church (not in the Rainbow Faith Communities directory) at 2nd and Broadway 3:00-5:00pm - last updated 7/6/2022
Hope center (nonreligious, shelter does dot house trans people according to their lived genders) (do not have to be staying there) 360 W Loundon Avenue 5pm-6pm - last updated 8/17/2022
Lighthouse Ministries (religious, we don’t know how queer affirming) 190 Spruce St. 5:00-6:00pm - last updated 6/17/2022
For Survivors
Ampersand Sexual Violence Resource Center - Last updated 12/28/2023
This is our local r*pe crisis center for Fayette, Scott, Harrison, Nicholas, Bourbon, Clark, Powell, Estill, Madison, Lincoln, Garrard, Jessamine, Mercer, Boyle, Woodford, Anderson, and Franklin counties. (For RCCs for other Kentucky counties, see the map on this page.) Ampersand has a 24-hour support line at 859-253-2511, free therapy for survivors, and they are working on setting up support groups. They can also assist survivors navigating the legal process, and they have Medical Advocates who meet survivors at emergency rooms immediately following assaults.
Lexington Office
2025 Regency Rd.
Lexington, KY 40503
Phone: 859.253.2615
Danville Office
Phone: 859.236.4445
Frankfort Office:
Phone: 859-270-1107
Richmond Office:
Phone: 859.618.2045
Support line: (859) 253-2511
Children’s Advocacy Center of the Bluegrass - Last updated 12/28/2023
A CAC is like a r*pe crisis center for children. They have specialized training to do Sexual Assault Forensic Exams for children, and a specialized facility designed for that purpose. They also have staff trained in forensic interviewing, which is a set of skills for talking to children about the sexual abuse in a way that gathers as much detail as possible to form a coherent story, since children often aren’t forthcoming with this information. They do up to 12 sessions of free counseling for child survivors. For non-offending caregivers, they provide crisis counseling, resource referrals, and supportive listening. This one serves Fayette, Scott, Harrison, Nicholas, Bourbon, Clark, Powell, Estill, Madison, Lincoln, Garrard, Jessamine, Mercer, Boyle, Woodford, Anderson, and Franklin counties. For other Kentucky counties, see the map on this page.
162 North Ashland Ave.
Lexington, KY 40502
Phone: (859) 225-KIDS (5437)
FORGE - Last updated 12/21/2023
FORGE is a trans-led national organization for trans survivors of sexual and relationship violence. They conduct research, train providers and advocates on how to work with trans survivors, host webinars both for trans survivors and for the providers who work with them, and have a directory of these archives webinars and other resources on their website.
P.O. Box 1272
Milwaukee, WI 53201
phone: (414) 559-2123
Greenhouse17 - last updated Oct. 19, 2022
Everything is free, restrooms are not gendered, you can change your name and gender marker in their records even if you haven’t changed them legally, your info is confidential and securely stored except aggregate statistics, they only ask about your citizenship status if it’s relevant for finding you housing, and they don’t share it with anyone. Survivors staying at the shelter can choose to help on the farm for a stipend, but this is not required.
24-hour hotline at 800.544.2022
shelter on a 40-acre farm on the outskirts of town for IPV survivors escaping abuse and their children (all genders- one suite is designated for men escaping IPV, trans women are housed as women, and gender-expansive survivors are welcome), get in by calling the hotline
counseling and support groups including one specifically for LGBTQAI+ survivors, see the full list and sign up for groups here
safe exchange and visitation- help exchanging children from one parent to the other without contact between the parents, supervised visitation also available, get started here
safety planning
legal advocacy
medical and dental treatment
budget and credit counseling
transportation assistance
more info at
The Nest - last updated June 30, 2022
legal aid- advocates to help IPV survivors navigate court processes and a pro bono lawyer to represent survivors obtaining protective orders
individual and group IPV counseling, safety planning
parenting and recovery classes in English and Spanish (The recovery classes are named Recovery Moms and Recovery Dads, but if your gender doesn’t fit those labels, you can join whichever class is more comfortable for you.)
childcare- from birth to age five, state-licensed early learning center provides caregivers with flexible child care options including short-term, long-term, and free drop-in care
family assistance- (best to call ahead) once a month, a family can get free diapers and wipes, toiletries, children’s clothing, formula, car seats, and other infant care items
parent advocacy- assistance and support in developing a CPS Case Plan Progress Report to share with parents, lawyers, ongoing CPS workers, and others involved in determining outcomes for caregivers and their children
located at 529 N Martin Luther King Blvd, Lexington, KY 40508
for any of these services, call (859) 259-1974 between 9am and 5pm Monday-Friday, or for more info, visit
AIDS Volunteers of Lexington - Last updated 2/25/2023
AVOL is a non-profit organization that provides housing and supportive services to over 400 low-income people living with HIV/AIDS in over 70 counties in central and eastern Kentucky. AVOL offers free, anonymous HIV testing each Monday & Wednesday from 6 PM - 8 PM or any time by appointment. AVOL also provides free safer sex supplies and education, including condoms, barriers, and lubricant. They can help individuals with prevention needs including PrEP. Most services are free, but some housing programs require tenants to pay a portion. You can change your name in their records without changing it legally. They do not ask your gender, but they do ask your pronouns so they can address you correctly. Your information is available to staff on an as-needed basis, and occasionally to program evaluators who have signed confidentiality agreements. They do not ask about your sexual orientation or citizenship status. There are gender-neutral bathrooms at their office in addition to men’s and women’s.
1824 Hill Rise Drive
Suite 100
Lexington, KY 40504
Monday 9am-5pm
Tuesday 9am-8pm
Wednesday 9am-8pm
Thursday 9am-5pm
Friday 9am-1pm
Phone: (859) 225-3000
Toll Free: 1 (877) 225-9245
Fax: (859) 225-9244
Facebook Page
Twitter: @avolky
Moveable Feast Lexington prepares and delivers to the door a hot, nutritious meal five days a week to low-income people in Lexington-Fayette County who have HIV/AIDS and those under the care of Bluegrass Care Navigators (formerly Hospice of the Bluegrass). Email for more info.
Lexington-Fayette County Health Department - Last Updated 2/25/2023
The Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI) staff at the Public Health Clinic offers confidential and quality health services to all residents of Fayette County. This program provides diagnosis, treatment, follow-up care and epidemiological services for a variety of sexually transmitted diseases and infections. For HIV antibody testing, results are received rapidly, within 15-20apid HIV antibody testing with results in 15-20 minutes. They can refer people who are HIV positive to external support resources. They provide free safer sex counseling and supplies, including condoms, barriers, and lube. At this time, their panel tests for Syphilis, Gonorrhea, Chlamydia, Hep C and HIV. If an individual has a sore at the time of their appointment, they are able to test for herpes as well. They do not test for bacterial vaginosis, urinary tract infection (UTI), yeast infections or Trichomonas. To schedule an appointment for free STI screening, please call (859) 288-2483, select option 2. Individuals seeking only HIV or syphilis tests should go to the clinic. Testing is free and confidential. Walk-in HIV testing is offered. For more information on HIV/syphilis testing, please call (859) 288-2437.
Hours (STI Screening): Offered at the Public Health Clinic, 650 Newtown Pike.
Mon/Tue/Thur: 8 AM - 5 PM
Wed: 8 AM - 6:30 PM
Fri: closed
Hours: (HIV/Syphilis Testing): Offered at the Public Health Clinic, 650 Newtown Pike.
Mon: 11 AM - 4 PM Wed: 3-6 PM
Thur: 8 AM - 4 PM
For STI Screening: (859) 288-2483
For HIV/Syphilis Tests: (859) 288-2437
Housing and Homelessness
AIDS Volunteers of Lexington - Provides housing assistance to people living with HIV/AIDS. Please see their entry in the HIV/AIDS section.
Arbor Youth Services - last updated 10/31/2023
Arbor youth services provides emergency shelter, hygiene, food, and basic needs for children and young adults up to the age of 24 in Lexington, KY. Housing is men’s/women’s or boys’/girls’, but trans people can be housed according to which one they identify with or are more comfortable with. Restrooms are not gendered. The shelter for minors is open 24/7 and has 10 beds. The shelter for young adults has 15 beds and provides overnight shelter 7pm-7am every night as well as daytime shelter Monday-Friday 7am-3pm.
You can change your name and gender marker in their records without changing them legally. Their intake form will ask you for your pronouns, and this info will be shared in private with the rest of the staff so they can gender you correctly. They do not ask about your citizenship status. They do ask your sexual orientation as part of a detailed assessment of your situation, health & safety, barriers, etc. The intake is part of the LFUCG Office of Homelessness Intervention & Prevention’s Continuum of Care, a program that keeps your information on a citywide waiting list for housing programs. Staff in the Office of Homelessness Intervention & Prevention can see your information, but you can opt out of that if you choose.
536 West Third Street
Lexington, KY 40508
(859) 254-2501
Catholic Action Center emergency shelter - last updated 11/16/2023
Not affiliated with the Catholic Church, although it is still a generally Christian organization with religious messages on the walls and things like that. They are the only shelter in town for adults that houses men and women in the same building (although not the same room) without requiring that they have children. Accommodations are gendered men’s/women’s, but trans people can be housed according to which one they identify with more closely. Sometimes a single room might be available, but not necessarily. They have policies against any sort of derogatory remarks or discriminatory behavior based on a person’s sexual orientation or gender identity. In order to get in, you have to go on a Sunday and reserve your spot for the week.
1055 Industry Road
Lexington, KY 40505
Phone: (859) 514-7210
Christ Church Cathedral Emergency Assistance Fund - last updated 12/27/2022
Christ Church Cathedral is in the Bluegrass Rainbow Faith Communities interfaith directory. EAF provides financial assistance to clients in need of immediate help with rent, utilities, water, or sewage bills. Social workers make referrals on behalf of clients in need. This fund is supported by contributions from the congregation and is not a line item in the budget.
Community Action Council Housing Stabilization Program - Last updated 12/27/2022
Covid relief, must have eviction case in Fayette County court, can pay up to 12 months rent, utilities, and other housing expenses
application and guide:
questions: 859-280-8424 or
Lexington Rescue Mission - Last updated 12/26/2023
LRM is a faith-based, but queer-accepting, organization that can help with finding jobs that will hire homeless people, getting ID, and applying for benefits. LRM also offers clothing vouchers, food boxes, hygiene items, and referrals for mental health treatment. Their Homeless Intervention Program may pay half of the deposit and 1st month's rent to move in for homeless people with ID and income. Walk-in hours to get connected to these services are Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays from 1pm-3pm. The 2nd hour is better if you are going for the first time, because there’s a big rush at the beginning. It will be calmer from 2pm-3pm for someone to sit down and talk with you about your situation. There is also a KyNector at LRM on Wednesdays from 10am-noon to help you get affordable or even free medical coverage based on your income.
444 Glen Arvin Ave.
Lexington, KY 40588
phone: 859-381-9600
walk-in hours: Tues. Wed. Thur. 1-3pm
KyNector hours: Wed. 10am-noon
LIHEAP- Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program - Last updated 12/27/2022
seasonal assistance for heating, winterizing, and sometimes cooling
Division of Family Support
275 E. Main St. 3E-I
Frankfort, KY 40621
phone: (502) 564-3440 or (855) 306-8959 TTY: (502) 564-9810
Maxwell St. Presbyterian Church - last updated 12/27/2022
Maxwell St. Presbyterian is in the Bluegrass Rainbow Faith Communities Directory. Social worker there on Mon, Tues, Thurs, call 859-233-0723 for rent & utility assistance, laundry cards, toiletries, cleaning supplies, work boots, bus passes, gas assistance, help getting driver's license and other ID documents, prescriptions, Thursday night meals to go 3pm to 5pm @ playground entrance door, located at 180 E. Maxwell Street Lexington KY 40508
New Vista Drop In Center - last updated 2/25/2023
The drop-in center has showers, laundry facilities, and other services for free use by adults.
Monday – Friday Morning 8:00 – 12:00 Afternoon 1:00 - 4:00
201 Mechanic Street, Second Floor
Lexington, KY 40507
24 hour helpline: 1-800-928-8000
To call the drop-in center during business hours: 859.721.8505
Recovery Cafe - Provides many services useful for surviving homelessness or housing insecurity, like showers, meals, and more. They define “recovery” broadly and serve people recovering from housing insecurity, mental illness, and other things besides addiction. Please see their detailed entry in the Recovery from Addiction section.
Sweet Evening Breeze - Last updated 1/25/2024
Emergency shelter for LGBTQAI+ youth 18-24 in Louisville, KY. They provide resources such as emergency housing, HIV testing, free therapy, a drop-in center with supplies and food, and educational and employment resources. You can change your name and gender marker in their records without changing them legally. They do not ask about your citizenship status.
801 Barret Ave STE 211
Louisville, Ky 40204
Open to the public 10am-4pm Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday, closed on Wednesdays
Restrooms are not gendered
Phone: 502.690.4003
I Support The Girls - Last updated 5/18/2023
3 kinds of hygiene kits shipped to any USA address for free: DASH kits are for people fleeing intimate partner violence, FLASH kits are for people experiencing menopause, and SLASH kits are for gender expansive people.
Lighthouse Ministries Clean Start Program - Last updated 9/7/2023
From the website: “We offer free hot showers on Monday through Friday from 9–11 AM and 1–3 PM. Appointments are booked in 30-minute intervals and can be made by calling 859-303-7014, or scheduled in person during our free lunch or dinner programs. We provide toiletry items, clean clothes and shoes if needed. We also offer prayer.”
New Vista Drop-In Center has showers and laundry facilities. Please see their entry in the Housing and Homelessness section.
Recovery Cafe has showers available for members only. Membership is free, it just requires a commitment to a weekly recovery circle. Please see their entry in the Recovery section.
United Nations Intersex Fact Sheet in English, in Bengali, Filipino, Hindi, Indonesian, Korean, Malay, Nepali, Tamil, Telugu, Urdu and Vietnamese
New trans health care standards: What should intersex people know? explainer about what the WPATH (The World Professional Association for Transgender Health) Standards of Care say about caring for intersex patients
Providing Ethical and Compassionate Health Care to Intersex Patients- Intersex Affirming Hospital Policies from InterACT and Lambda Legal
Brief Guidelines for Intersex Allies: Information to help you spread awareness for intersex people By Hida Viloria and Claudia Astorino
Intersex Genital Mutilations: Human Rights Violations Of Children With Variations Of Sex Anatomy 88-page report to the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Periodic Report of Switzerland on the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) + Supplement “Background Information on IGMs”
A2J Guided Interviews - Easy tool to fill out legal forms by answering questions in plain language
ACLU of Kentucky - Last Updated 7/4/23
The ACLU of Kentucky challenges laws in court when they believe those laws infringe on the rights of the people. The ACLU of Kentucky only takes on civil liberties cases where rights have been violated and the case has the potential to impact others in the same situation. If you believe you have such a case, you can report it to the ACLU here:
Asylum Application - This is the government form to apply to be allowed to stay in the United States because it isn’t safe for you to return to the country you previously lived in.
Ban Conversion Therapy Kentucky - This grassroots organization is working to ban conversion therapy in our state.
Dan Canon at Saeed & Little, LLP - Last updated 1/25/2024
Dan Canon is a civil rights lawyer who has successfully argued many landmark marriage equality cases, including Obergefell v. Hodges before the U. S. Supreme Court. He also specializes in defending the rights of incarcerated people, and wrote a book called Pleading Out: How Plea Bargaining Creates a Permanent Criminal Class. Canon is also a board member with the Kentucky Youth Law Project. Payment options vary depending on the kind of case.
Saeed & Little, LLP
133 W. Market St. #189
Indianapolis, IN, 46204
Hours: Mon. - Fri. 9am-5pm
Restrooms are not gendered.
Phone: (502) 396-3774
Elston Law Office, PLLC - Last updated 12/28/2023
Local attorney who specializes in LGBT law and has partnered with the National Center for Lesbian Rights and The LGBT Bar, offers free initial consultations
820 Tremont Ave.
Lexington, Kentucky 40502
Phone: (859) 225-2348
Fax: (859) 255-0711
The Fairness Campaign - Last Updated 7/4/23
The Fairness Campaign lobbies in Frankfort against bills that would harm the queer community and in favor of bills that would improve things for us. If you feel like you have experienced discrimination in Kentucky because of your LGBTQIA+ identity, the Fairness Campaign would like to hear about it. You can report it on a form on their website at or call them at (502) 893-0788.
Kentucky Equal Justice Center - Last updated 12/28/2023
From the website: “Kentucky Equal Justice Center was formed in 1976 to work with all the civil legal services programs in Kentucky on things best done cooperatively, from training to brief banks to advocacy in Frankfort. We serve as a watchdog and advocate for and with a wide range of low income Kentuckians — from children to elders in long term care — and keep in touch with a network of poverty law offices where people bring real life problems. Today, we are a growing, flexible, and responsive public interest advocacy organization, sticking up for low income people and working with a multitude of community partners. Our track record is strong: from the lawsuit that successfully challenged nursing home cutoffs in 2003, to legislative successes on human trafficking and mortgage lending, to innovative litigation to collect wages due workers, to ever growing partnerships with public interest allies.” KEJC also operates the Maxwell Street Legal Clinic, which provides legal assistance for immigration matters.
Lexington Office
201 West Short Street, Suite 310
Lexington, KY 40507
Louisville Office
222 South 1st Street, Suite 305
Louisville, KY 40202
502-303-4062 cell
Maxwell Street Legal Clinic
315 Lexington Ave.
Lexington, KY 40508
Kentucky Refugee Ministries - Last updated 7/26/2023
Legal, social, and other services for immigrants & refugees, even if you do not yet have refugee status legally
501 West 6th St, Suite 250
Lexington, Kentucky 40508
Phone: (859) 226-5661
Hours: Mon.-Fri. 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Kentucky Youth Law Project - Last updated 1/25/2024
From the organization: “KYLP is a nonprofit legal services corporation providing free legal assistance and advocacy for Kentucky's LGBTQIA+ children and youth up to age 25. Our legal services include representing LGBTQIAA+ children and youth in Dependency, Neglect, and Abuse Court and Family Court. We have partnered with the UK Legal Clinic to provide student attorneys to provide legal representation and advice to youth and young adults seeking a legal name or gender marker change. We represent LGBTQIA+ students in addressing violations of federal and state anti-discrimination laws. And we train attorneys, judges, social workers, educators, and foster and birth families, and we advocate for equal treatment with lawmakers and policy influencers throughout Kentucky.” Their intake paperwork asks for your chosen name and pronouns in addition to your legal name. Your information is stored in a password-protected server, and they ask if there is anyone you don’t want your sexual orientation or gender disclosed to, so they can avoid outing you. You can change your name and gender marker in their records without changing them legally. Email: phone: (844) 220-0226 facebook
Know Your Rights For Protestors - Recording of a training session by the National Lawyers’ Guild from Sept. 2023
Legal Aid of the Bluegrass (LABG) - Last updated 3/1/2022
Provides low or no-cost legal assistance in the areas of government benefits, consumer law, housing, and family law for residents of these counties: Anderson, Bath, Boone, Bourbon, Boyd, Boyle, Bracken, Campbell, Carroll, Carter, Elliott, Fayette, Fleming, Franklin, Gallatin, Grant, Greenup, Harrison, Jessamine, Kenton, Lewis, Mason, Menifee, Mercer, Montgomery, Morgan, Nicholas, Owen, Pendleton, Robertson, Rowan, Scott, Woodford. For housing matters, they specialize in evictions and may refer you to UK Legal Clinic if your situation has to do with your housing conditions or other concerns. They collaborated with the Pride Center to put on a Name Change Legal Information Clinic for TransKentucky and can help with name changes.
300 East Main Street, Suite 110
Lexington, KY 40507
Phone: (859) 233-4556
Facebook Page
X (Formerly Twitter): @_LABG
McBrayer law firm - Last updated 12/28/2023
They have been recommended to us as LGBTQAI+ friendly, and they have sponsored the Pride Fest in the past.
Lexington Office:
201 East Main Street Suite 900
Lexington, KY 40507
Phone: (859) 231-8780
Frankfort Office:
202 W Main St
Frankfort, KY 40601
Phone: 502.783.6219
Louisville Office:
500 West Jefferson Street, Suite 2400
Louisville, KY 40202
Phone: 502.327.5400 or 502.327.5444
Micah Legal - Last updated 9/22/2023
Their own description: “Micah Legal is a sliding scale, nonprofit civil law firm serving people in Lexington, Kentucky (Fayette County). Our mission is to increase the availability of legal representation for Lexingtonians with low-to-moderate incomes. We recognize that so many people feel they have no option but to go to court alone due to the high market rates for legal representation, and believe that is not in the interest of justice. By increasing access to justice for Lexingtonians without significant financial resources, we make Lexington a more just society. We provide family law services, including help with domestic violence. We also do estate planning (wills, powers of attorney, etc.) and expungements. And if you're thinking about creating a nonprofit, we can help with that, too!” Their intake form does not ask about your gender, sexual orientation, pronouns, or citizenship status. You can change your name in their files without changing it legally. They have a gender-neutral bathroom. Initial consult $25, sliding scale after that
219 E Short Street
Second Floor
Lexington, KY, 40507
Phone: (859) 568-3129
Hours: by appointment only, 8:30a-4:30p
Mistreated in a Medical Setting? - PDF guide from KY Health Justice Network on how to file a grievance if you are mistreated in a medical setting
National Lawyers’ Guild - last updated 1/6/2023
Email addresses and phone extensions for specific topics and local chapters are listed on the website.
Defends protestors, migrants, and the environment, works with labor unions and social movements, seeks to abolish prisons, decriminalize drugs, change U.S. foreign policy so it won’t be about dominating the world, and change legal education so it won’t discourage law students from being critical of government and power structures, publishes free know-your-rights guides in multiple languages as well as recorded webinars and other resources
PO Box 1266
New York, NY 10009-8941
Phone: (212) 679-5100
Sadik Morshed, esq. - Last updated 8/16/2023
Queer friendly immigration attorney
110 W Vine St. Suite 9
Lexington, KY 40507
Phone: 859-577-1010
Tilted Scales Collective - last updated 1/6/2023
A small collective of dedicated anarchist legal support workers helps activists and protestors who are charged with crimes, publishes resources for defendants and lawyers including free ebooks, podcasts, and more - or
University of KY Legal Clinic - last updated 3/4/2023
Free legal aid, you don’t have to be affiliated with UK. Civil litigation – expungements, name change, contracts, wills, etc. For housing matters, they specialize in housing conditions and may refer you to Legal Aid of the Bluegrass if your situation has to do with eviction.
Phone: 859-257-4692
Email director D’Lorah Hughes at
Local LGBTQAI+ Community Groups
Ashland Pride - Last updated11/15/2023
LGBTQAI+ organization for the Ashland area, has a youth committee. Website is pretty bare bones, but has links to their social media so you can follow them for updates.
Bluegrass Black Pride - Last Updated 5/26/23
An African-American LGBTQ nonprofit with a mission to advocate, educate & demand equity for all! By remaining active and visible, Bluegrass Black Pride hopes to continue a public dialogue about homophobia in the African-American community, with the aim of breaking down barriers that make it difficult for African Americans to be out and proud. Bluegrass Black Pride produces multiple annual social and educational events for the community.
Frontrunners Lexington - Last updated 5/26/23
A group of queer runners and walkers that gather a couple of times each week to get in some exercise and to build community
HotMess Sports - Last Updated 5/26/23
Lexington’s Home for LGBTQ+ Sports! Their goal is to offer an inclusive, safe, positive, fun and welcoming community for anyone wanting to be a part. They offer kickball in Lexington and are planning on adding more options!
Imperial Court of Kentucky - Last Updated 5/26/23
The Imperial Court of Kentucky, Inc. is a 501(c)3 nonprofit charity with a special outreach to the GLBT community of Kentucky. Founded in 1982 and based on the savants of manner of English royalty, the Imperial Court of Kentucky is a charter member of the International Court System with over 70 other courts across North America. The Court provides a social outlet and recognition to the GLBT community and its supporters through frequent events, such as the Falsie Awards, all while raising funds for local charitable causes.
Kentucky Black Pride - Last Updated 10/25/23
From their website: “Our mission is to promote unity, pride, self-awareness and positive visibility within Kentucky's QTPOC community.” They produce the Kentucky Black Pride Festival as well as other events in Lexington and throughout Kentucky. (859) 285-3091
Kentucky Bourbon Bears - Last Updated 5/26/23
The Kentucky Bourbon Bears is a social organization whose purpose is to provide a place of acceptance for all members of the LGBTQ+ community. We are a network for LGBTQ+ individuals who identify themselves as “Bears”, bear admirers and friends of bears. Our members are from all walks of life, size, shape, age, color, gender, and social standing.
Kentucky Embraces You (Formerly Free Mom Hugs Kentucky) - Last Updated 5/26/23
KEY is a group of Moms, friends, and allies who support the LGBTQ community. They support folks throughout the Commonwealth by attending and hosting events, giving out their trademark hugs and high fives, and by generally being a loving presence in the lives of LGBTQIA+ people.
Kentucky Fried Sisters - Last Updated 5/26/23
Lexington’s very own order of genderqueer clown nuns, known as The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, whose vocation is to promulgate universal joy and expiate stigmatic guilt. Their divine ministry is to reach the periphery of the queer community where we can make a meaningful difference. The Lexington Pride Center’s very own office manager, Burley, is a Kentucky Fried Sister.
LGBTQ+ Community of Lexington on Facebook - Last updated 8/25/2023
This Facebook group is designed to connect the LGBTQ+ community in Lexington and Central Kentucky. If you are looking for a trainer, landscaper, realtor, etc. look/post here. Also, find local events and nonprofits to support.
Louisville Pride Center - Last updated 11/15/2023
Community center for LGBTQAI+ people in Louisville, KY
1244 S 3rd St
Louisville, KY 40203
New Song in the Bluegrass
A community chorus for LGBT and LGBT- friendly singers in Lexington, KY. The non-auditioned group rehearses once a week and has concerts 2-3 times a year.
PFLAG Danville - Last updated 12/22/2023
From the organizers: “The Board of PFLAG DanvilleKY, which provides support, education, and advocacy for the LGBTQIA community, announces that we are now an official nonprofit and nonpartisan organization. Work is in progress to hold our first Chapter meeting in January 2024! We have big plans for PFLAG DanvilleKY, while in the meantime, we encourage everyone to join our FB page.”
PFLAG Somerset - Last updated 11/15/2023
Resources, support, education, and advocacy for the LGBTQ+ population of the Lake Cumberland region and their allies. You do not need to be a parent to join our ranks. You just need to be a friend.
Meetings: 4th Thursday of each month from 5:30pm to 7:00pm EST at
Pulaski County Public Library
304 S Main Street
Somerset, KY 42501
P.O. Box 610
Somerset, KY
Phone: (304) 222-8493
Sister Sound
SisterSound is Lexington’s community choir for women and is LGBTQAI+ affirming. They seek to provide a musically creative atmosphere for women who love to sing, while celebrating diversity and acceptance. They welcome all women who are able to match pitch and are interested in honoring our philosophy. For more information call (859) 806-0243.
Trans Parent Lex
In person events a few times a year, support and community on Facebook all the time, for parents and allies of transgender kids in Central Kentucky. Please see their entry in the Parents section.
This Facebook group is a virtual space managed by the moderator of Lexington Pride Center’s TransKentucky group. The group is inclusive to anyone on the gender-spectrum. Its purpose is to build bridges and break down walls, all while making meaningful community connections. In person events, TransKentucky meetings, and referrals are posted in this group.
Mental Health Information
4 Questions to Ask A Therapist - Article by LGBTQAI+ counselor David Pascale-Hague at Clarity Counseling Services discussing questions you might want to ask during your first appointment with a new therapist to help determine if they are a good fit for you
Emotional Safety Planning: Tools for Your Well-Being Before, During, and After a Crisis - Video of a webinar by FORGE, a national organization for trans survivors of sexual and relationship violence
Tools for De-escalation During a Mental Health Crisis - Video of a webinar by FORGE, a national organization for trans survivors of sexual and relationship violence, with accompanying notes, links, and resources
Mental Healthcare Providers
Angela Aaron, Psychologist - Solace Therapeutic
(859) 203-1296
Willie T. Boddie, MSW - Griffin-Lyons Counseling
(502) 385-2748
Heartland Healing Counseling and Consultation - Last Updated 10/31/23
From the organization: “Heartland Healing Counseling & Consultation is a private group psychotherapy and wellness practice that centers LGBTQIAP+ individuals and other marginalized communities. Our providers work from queer feminist and family systems frameworks, and value self-determination, holistic health, harm reduction, and disability and racial justice. Providers utilize many therapeutic modalities including CBT, DBT, EFT, and expressive arts and experiential therapies. Providers at HHC utilize the bounty of clients' strengths and lived experience to affect positive change. We work with folks across a wide breadth of life transitions and diagnoses to find strategies for interrupting unhelpful narratives and behavior, establishing healthy habits, and working toward wellness and self-actualization. Every member of our team is either a member of the LGBTQAI+ community, or strongly-allied! We have a history of activism, campaigning for the rights of sex workers, and actively participate in advocacy. We welcome clients who are in this industry and believe that we're able to offer them a uniquely non-judgemental space to receive therapy support.”
Insurance is accepted, and there are income-based sliding scale self-pay rates for folks without insurance. You can change your name in their records without changing it legally. If you are not using insurance, you can change your gender marker upon request, although if they are billing your insurance, they have to include the sex listed on your documents. Your information is stored securely: only your therapist and their supervisor have access to the notes about your sessions, but your pronouns will be shared so staff can gender you correctly. They do not ask about your citizenship status.
All services are telehealth for the foreseeable future. They are licensed to see clients in Ohio, Illinois, Indiana, and Kentucky.
Saxen Martin-Jensen, TCADC, LPCA - The Nest - Last updated 6/28/2023
Saxen does free counseling specializing in addiction, intimate partner violence, and the queer community. He is available in person at The Nest on Thursdays and can teleconference via Zoom on other days. Call The Nest at 859-259-1974 and do an intake with the Intake Coordinator, then you can ask for Saxen. Email More info at
Wanda McCants, LPCC - Spill The Tea,LLC
(859) 629-9865
Kara Fresh McMeekin, MS, LMFT - Lexington Therapy
(859) 935-1707
Meridian Behavioral Health - Last updated 10/26/2023
Meridian Behavioral Health is a queer owned company that specializes in care to the LGBTQIA+ community. We strive to provide quality mental health care to any person in the queer community. We support queer people through many of the concerns that they have that could be connected to discrimination, marginalization, barriers to seeking healthcare or existing in a world that does not always allow queer people to live authentically and happily.
Meridian offers services in an outpatient setting and we take most commercial insurance and Medicare. We offer psychotherapy, medication management, and psychological testing. Within the scope of our practice, Meridian also has multiple providers are specifically trained and affirming to people in the LGBTQIA+ community.
Restrooms include women’s, men’s, and a non-gendered option. You can change your name and gender marker in their records without changing them legally. Their intake form asks you about your gender identity, pronouns, and sexual orientation, all with blank space for you to write in anything you want. They include your pronouns in your profile so staff can gender you correctly when they interact with you. The other information is used to pair you with a therapist who has relevant experience, and to get an idea of the populations they are serving. This information is stored in the client's secured file. The client and their clinician have access to it. If the client is under 18, the parent has access to it. Whatever the client says in session with their provider is confidential. If the minor doesn't want information disclosed to a parent based on their sexual or gender identity, Meridian will keep all that we can confidential within the bounds of Kentucky state laws and client safety. Almost all services are available over telehealth unless someone's insurance specifically says telehealth is not covered. Most testing needs to be done in person but can be over telehealth if needed.
Meridian Behavioral Health takes a holistic, compassionate approach to providing mental healthcare to people of all ages. We have experienced professionals that are able to offer robust services. Our team includes licensed psychologists that can offer psychological testing and assessment. In addition, we have licensed mental healthcare providers who offer individual, couples, family, and group therapies. Our psychiatrists and psychiatric nurse practitioners offer medication evaluation and management. This variety of professionals and approaches allows us the most comprehensive approach to helping people work through any mental health concerns they have. Email us at for more information or to set up your first visit.
4010 Dupont Circle Ste 419
Louisville, Kentucky 40207
Hours: 8am-6pm Eastern Standard Time
National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) Lexington -Last Updated 7/5/23
NAMI offers free resources for individuals living with and supporting those with mental illness. They provide support groups for those in recovery, seminars to educate loved ones on how to best provide support, family education courses, peer-led suport, NAMI Walks (their annual fundraising event), QPR- Suicide prevention training, Wellness Recovery Action Plan workshops, and Fayette Mental Health Court - based on therapeutic jurisprudence and restorative justice principles.
NAMI-Lexington-Free-Programs-and-Affordable-Training-Updated-2-1-19-1.png (
(859) 272-7891
Open Doors Counseling Center - Last updated 5/24/2023
This center offers counseling, peer-support, and targeted case management for children and adults. Openly queer providers include Robert Kyle May, Dakota Frederick, and Corabelle Hall. Kyle May is a member of the Pride Center’s board of directors. They do not ask about citizenship status. They upload ID and insurance cards onto an electronic database. Names and gender markers can be altered in their database without supporting legal documentation. The providers can assist the client in seeking legal name and gender marker changes, if desired.
At this time they accept; Anthem, Humana, Cigna, Tricare, United (Optum), and Caresource Exchange. They also accept the following Medicaid plans; Anthem, Passport, Humana, Wellcare, Aetna, Molina, and United. Without insurance, appointments are approximately $150.00/hour for an independently licensed clinician and $90/hour for a provisionally licensed clinician (clinician under supervision). The cost is $50/hour for cash paying clients who see a practicum/intern student (Note: The rate to see a practicum student is negotiable and can function on a sliding scale if needed.)
Hours: Mon-Fri 9am-5pm EST
503 Darby Creek Road, Suite C
Lexington, KY 40509
Email: or
Call: (606)776-6185
David Pascale-Hague,Psychologist - Clarity Counseling
(859) 429-1362
Sawyers Counseling LLC - Last Updated 5/24/23
Sawyers Counseling offers individual, couple, and family therapy for LGBT+ 18 and older. They focus on depression, anxiety, identity-concerns, and relational health. All services are provided over zoom. Spenser Sawyers, LPCC-S openly identifies as gay. Client paperwork offers the option to leave demographic information blank if you do not feel comfortable disclosing your identity. Clients can change their name and gender in the patient database without legal documentation. This provider accepts self-pay only, $100/hr, with a limited number of sliding scale slots available. If a sliding scale payment option is needed, please email him to discuss.
Hours: Mon-Thurs 10am-7pm CST
Call: 615-348-7855
Gwen Shelton Therapy - last updated 10/31/2023
Individual and couples therapy. Specialties include brainspotting for trauma, LGBTQ+, and substance use/addiction counseling. Ages 18+. You can change your name in their records without changing it legally. They need your legal gender for billing your insurance, but will use your lived gender identity otherwise. Intake questions about your gender, pronouns, and sexuality all give you a blank to write whatever you want. They do not ask your citizenship status. Your name, age, legal gender, birth date, address, and diagnosis may be shared with your insurance company for billing purposes, but information is not shared with anyone else unless you sign a release. Restrooms are not gendered.
501 Darby Creek Rd. Ste 1
Lexington, Ky40509
Hours: Appointment only M-T-TH-F 9:00-5:00
(270) 929-3386
Accepts Anthem, United Healthcare, Aethna, Cigna, and Humana
Janet Vessels, PhD, LPCC-S - Integrative Counseling Center
(859) 554-6028
Inclusive Therapists - If none of the local therapists on our list was a fit for you, you can look on for therapists based elsewhere that you can see via telehealth. You can search for providers with knowledge of specific cultures, religions, LGBTQAI+ identities, therapeutic approaches, and much more. You can even search with filters like “Autistic person opposing ABA,” “BDSM/kink/poly positive,” or “Free gender-affirming care letter provider.”
Name Change
A2J Guided Interview: Name Change - Easy tool to fill out the legal form by answering questions in plain language
How to Get a Name Change in KY -last updated 2/25/2023
Legal Aid of the Bluegrass - If you have questions or need help with the name change process, LABG can help those with incomes below certain thresholds for free. (If your income is too high, try UK Legal Clinic.) Please see their entry in the Legal section for their contact info.
Trans LifeLine ID Change Library - In addition to their support hotline, Trans LifeLine also has an online library of information on how to change your name and gender marker on legal documents like birth certificates, driver’s licenses, passports, Tribal ID, and more, organized and tagged well so it’s easy to find the information for your state.
Trans LifeLine Name Change Microgrants - In addition to their support hotline, Trans LifeLine also offers microgrants for name changes, gender affirming hair removal, and survival while incarcerated. Please see their entry in the Crisis and Support Hotlines section for more information.
University of KY Legal Clinic - If you have questions or need help with the name change process, UK Legal Clinic can help for low or no cost. You don’t have to be a student, or affiliated with UK at all. Please see their entry in the Legal section for their contact info.
National LGBTQAI+ Organizations
Black Transgender Council at the National Black Justice Coalition - Last updated 12/27/2023
From their website: “In recognition of opportunities to stand with and better support the Black transgender community, NBJC has established a transgender advisory council (BTAC) to strengthen individual and collective efforts to address the unique needs of Black people of trans experience.”
Autistics United Kentucky - Last Updated 5/26/23
This group believes that Autism is not a disability, just a natural difference.
Autistic Self-Advocacy Network - Last Updated 9/8/2023
ASAN is a national network run by autistic people and their motto is “Nothing about us without us.” ASAN does consider autism a disability, however they do not believe it needs to be “cured.” Rather, they believe disability in general is not the problem, the problem is a society that doesn’t accommodate disabled people. ASAN considers itself part of both the neurodiversity movement and the disability rights movement.
National contact:
PO Box 66122
Washington, DC 20035
KY chapter contact:
Kentuckiana Autism Spectrum Alliance - Last updated 12/22/2023
KASA is a Louisville-based online group for advocacy, social justice actions, and community events, promoting the rights of all autistic people. You can follow them on facebook or email to get on their email list and receive the links to their online meetings and Special Interest Shares.
One Stop Shops: Places that do a Lot of Things
WayPoint Centers - last updated 1/5/2023
United Way of the Bluegrass has 4 WayPoint Centers designed to be access points for all kinds of services available in the community. They do free tax prep; notary services; help with budgeting and financial planning; help with applying for different benefits and assistance programs; help with job training, placement, retention, and advancement while working with any barriers you may face; health education such as planning and prevention, Narcan training, living wills, referrals to mental health and addiction recovery services, HIV and Hepatitis C testing; tutoring and mentoring for youth; GED prep and testing; basic needs; and more.
The 4 locations are in these community centers:
Black & Williams Center
498 Georgetown Street, Room 104
Lexington, KY 40508
Hours: 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 pm
Phone: 859.977.7388
Charles Young Center
540 East Third Street, Room 202
Lexington, KY 40508
Hours: 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 pm
Phone: 859.977.7383
Cardinal Valley
Centro de San Juan Diego
1389 Alexandria Dr. Cuarto 6
Lexington, KY 40504
Hours: 8am-5pm
Phone: 1- 859-977-7385
Paris-Bourbon County YMCA
917 Main Street
Paris, KY 40361
Hours: 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 pm
Phone: 859.977.7396
La Casita - Last Updated 5/26/23
Una Comunidad de Hospitalidad Latinx/A Community of Latinx Hospitality, Apoyo legal/Legal support, Dispensa de comida/Food pantry, Banco de pañales/Diaper bank, Closet de ropa/Give & take closet, Almuerzo comunitario/Soup kitchen, Apoyo con papelería, información y recursos/Case management & advocacy, Programas virtuales/Virtual programs
223 East Magnolia Avenue
Louisville, KY 40208
Nuestros servicios estarán disponibles por teléfono/ Services are available by phone (502-322-4036)
Horas: Lunes-Jueves10am-6pm/ Hours: Monday-Thursday: 10am-6pm
P.O. Box 1844
Louisville, KY 40201
Black & African-American LGBTQ Youth Report - 2019 report by the Human Rights Campaign using the subset of data from the 2018 HRC LGBTQ Youth Report that pertains to youth who identified themselves as partly or entirely Black or African-American
Communicating with Family and Friends About Your Child’s Gender - This guide from Gender Spectrum gives tips and sample letters to help parents prepare before visits, set expectations about how to address the child, and provide resources for relatives who may be confused. Lots more at
Family is Still Family, Love is Still Love - The National Queer Asian Pacific Islander Alliance created this campaign in partnership with PFLAG and the Asian Pride Project including a fact sheet in English, Simplified Chinese 家依旧… 爱依然…, Traditional Chinese 家依舊… 愛依然…, Japanese 家族は家族。愛は愛。, Korean 가족이라는것도, 사랑한다는것도변하지않습니다., Tagalog Ang Pamilya ay Pamilya Pa Rin…, Vietnamese Gia đình Vẫn là Gia đình…, Bengali পরিবারশতহলেওপরিবার…, Hindi परिवार कभी पराया नहीं होता…, and Arabic الأسرة تبقى أسرة as well as videos in Cantonese, Mandarin, Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese, Hindi, and Tagalog.
Intersex for Parents by Intersex Human Rights Australia- helpful information for parents who may not be familiar with intersex, including body diversity, medical decisions, birth announcements, puberty, personal stories from other parents, parenting resources, works by intersex people, fiction about intersex people, videos, and more
Mama Bears
An online group for the moms of LGBTQ+ kids with specialized subgroups, resources on making schools safer for LGBTQ+ kids, and more
Mom, I’m Not A Girl - short 2015 documentary (7 min. 23 sec.) by Cosmopolitan about a Black family with an 8-year-old transgender son
The Nest - Offers childcare, children’s clothes, baby supplies, parenting classes, addiction recovery classes for parents, financial assistance, and more. Please see their detailed entry in the For Survivors section. They gear many of their services to IPV survivors, but you don’t have to be an IPV survivor.
Supporting Your Intersex Child 40-page printable booklet on affirming parenting created by Organization Intersex International- Europe, the International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer & Intersex (LGBTQI) Youth & Student Organisation, and the European Parents’ Association
Supportive Families, Healthy Children: Helping Families with Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, or Transgender Children - A guide for parents about how to support LGBT children, with data on health outcomes for kids who are rejected or accepted, behaviors to try or avoid, and quotes from parents of LGBT kids - English version - Niños saludables con el apoyo familiar - Una guía en Español para padres de jovenes LGBT con información sobre cómo ayudar sus hijes, resultados de salud para jovenes rechazades o aceptades, conductos para intentar o evitar, y cotizaciones de padres Latines de hijes LGBT - 家庭接受和支持,培養健康孩子 : 幫助家裡有同志
(女同性戀、男同性戀、雙性戀、跨性別)成員的家庭 - and an additional English version tailored for Latter-Day Saints (a.k.a. Mormons)
Trans Parent Lex
From the group: “We are a private Facebook group located in Lexington, Kentucky. Our group started with three families in 2018, and now have close to 600 members. Our organization helps central Kentucky transgender children and families connect with resources they need in order to support them before,during and after transitioning. We love getting our families together for events throughout the year for support and friendship.” Since it is a private group, you must answer questions to be approved to join, including one asking if you are trans yourself. This information is only visible to the admins, and is only used to screen requests for admission to the group. You will not be asked about your sexual orientation or your citizenship status. Once you are approved to join, you can also see announcements in the Facebook group about the in-person events they do a few times a year.
Your Beautiful Child: Information for Parents printable 2-page intro for parents by Hida Viloria and Claudia Astornio
Racial Justice
1619 Project - Beautiful writing that looks at American history through the lens of slavery and reveals aspects of modern life that are the way they are because of how they were shaped by slavery - started out as a special issue of the New York Times Magazine with companion podcast, later expanded into full book for adults and children’s book
Justice in June - Racial justice reading/listening/watching list set up for spending 10, 25, or 45 minutes a day for a month
Know Your Rights For Protestors - Recording of a training session by the National Lawyers’ Guild from Sept. 2023
Living Authentically: Coming Out as LGBTQ Asian and Pacific Islander Americans - 68 page guide by the National Queer Asian Pacific Islander Alliance and the Human Rights Campaign available in English, Simplified Chinese, Hindi, Korean, Japanese, and Vietnamese
Reproductive Health
KY Health Justice Network - advocacy, help navigating systems, and financial assistance for both abortion and trans health care. They can refer individuals to a variety of gender affirming resources throughout Kentucky. Please see their entry in the Trans Health Care section below for more info.
Planned Parenthood - Last updated 11/15/2023
LGBTQAI+ affirming, nonprofit reproductive health clinics providing screenings, birth control, abortion where it’s legal, and other reproductive health care for sliding scale fees. Some locations provide hormone therapy for trans people, but the Lexington location is not currently accepting new patients for hormones.
Lexington Planned Parenthood
268 Southland Dr.
Lexington, KY 40503
Phone: 800-769-0045
To find other locations:
Recovery from Addiction
Alcoholics Anonymous LGBTQIA+ groups - last updated 7/5/2022
Grapevine Group meets Fridays at 7:30pm on Zoom, meeting ID 228814759 passcode 021835
Designed for Living meets Mondays at 6:30pm at the Token Club, located at 1937 Goodwin Dr. Lexington, KY (wheelchair accessible)
Although these are the only LGBTQIA+ specific AA meetings, most meetings are accepting. You can find a list of meetings here or contact the local organization at (859) 559-5368 or
(Please note that although recovery meetings are sometimes held in churches, there is no affiliation between the recovery group and the church.)
Recovery Cafe - Last updated 3/25/2023
Recovery Cafe is a peer-led, peer-run community space for you to build recovery relationships and find supportive resources. RCLex isn't the type of café that sells sandwiches or lattés; we're a gathering space for folks on a recovery journey and our allies. We celebrate every type and pathway of recovery (substance use, mental health, housing insecurity, and more). Attend a support group, a sober social event, or see a Recovery Coach who can help you through your unique challenges. And while you're here, stay for a cup of coffee and a home-cooked meal.
The Recovery Cafe provides recovery coaches & circles, community space to hang out, sober social events like open mic night, art classes, computers, showers by appointment for 30 min. slots on Wed & Thursday, community meals (5:15pm Wed & Thurs, lunch on Fri & Sat at 12:15), and more. It’s not only recovery from addiction, also recovery from mental illness, housing insecurity, etc. Cafe hours are Wednesday 12-8, Thursday 10-9, Friday 10-6, and Saturday 10-5. They also are available by appointment.
After 2 visits, they ask that you become a member by committing to a weekly recovery circle, but membership is free.
Location: 1109 Versailles Road #200, Lexington, KY 40508
Contact: 859.523.0590 or
Support Groups
For children’s or teens’ support spaces, please see the Youth section.
A Caring Place - last updated 10/25/2023
Faith-based but queer accepting, seeking to reduce isolation and loneliness among the elderly and disabled, offers free movement and meditation class (can accommodate wheelchairs), twice-weekly virtual group, telephone program matching one participant to one volunteer for wellness checks and friendly chats, reading buddies where elders read to kids via zoom, and for folks in economic hardship there's a free catered lunch. “Although we are not a church group, and seek no conversions, we do offer prayer to those who request it, and are attentive to the spiritual component of helping another finding meaning in life.“ They intentionally recruit LGBTQAI+ people to be on the leadership team and do not believe being LGBTQAI+ is a sin in any way. You can change your name in their records without changing it legally. The intake form asks for your pronouns. Your info is kept by the chairperson and shared only on a need to know basis with your consent. They do not ask about your sexuality or citizenship status.
Phone: (859) 368-2656
Tai Chi Movement class Tuesdays at noon, Meditation Tues. 12:30
Location: Word of Hope Lutheran Church, 1870 Armstrong Mill Rd Lexington, KY 40517
Zoom group Wed & Sat. 10am at
GreenHouse17 LGBTQ Virtual Support Group - last updated 5/4/2023
Greenhouse17 is our local shelter for people escaping intimate partner violence, and they have a virtual support group specifically for queer IPV survivors on Mondays at 6pm via Zoom. Fill out this online form to request more information.
Heart to Heart - Last updated 9/8/2023
General support group for LGBTQAI+ adults. Meets every Wednesday 7pm at Lexington Pride Center, 389 Waller Ave. Suite 100. 1st Wednesday of each month is Art to Heart: bring a craft project you’re already working on or use our supplies to start something new.
Kentuckiana Transgender Support Group - Last updated 5/4/2023
A private, online support group for transgender individuals within the Louisville area
KY Center for Grieving Children & Families - last updated 8/31/2022
Free support groups for grieving children and (separately) the caregivers of grieving children, registration required. Groups are hosted at schools, churches, other places, not KCGCF office, but office is at 2333 Alexandria Dr. Lexington, KY 40504.
phone: 859-813-2759
Lexington Pride Center support & social groups - last updated 5/4/2022
The link above will take you to the page on this website where we have our groups and recurring activities organized by the day they meet. For more information, you can contact us at or 859-253-3233.
Louisville Trans Masculine Alliance
NAMI Lexington/Participation Station - Last updated 7/27/2022
Group schedule and Zoom information is here. NAMI also has systems navigators to help people navigate the mental health care system.
Non-Binary Collective Kentuckiana
The Nest - last updated 4/18/2022
The Nest offers a few different support groups and classes for parents, intimate partner violence survivors, batterers, and parents in recovery from addiction. A few groups are available in Spanish. Groups are labeled for moms or dads, none are coed, but you aren't placed strictly by assigned gender at birth. Your lived gender is respected, and gender-expansive people can choose whichever they are more comfortable in. Participants must complete an intake with The Nest to be enrolled in a group. 18+ in general, a minor could be placed on a case by case basis. Call (859) 259-1974 ext. 225 to complete an intake and ask for groups. More info on The Nest in the Intimate Partner Violence section.
TransKentucky TransKentucky is a peer-to peer support group that meets on the 1st Saturday of every month at 7:30pm in the Lexington Pride Center at 389 Waller Avenue, St 100. You can also follow them on facebook for updates.
Transgender People of Kentucky
TransParent Lex - For parents and allies of trans kids in Central Kentucky. Please see their entry in the Parents section.
Tools and Devices
Lexington Tool Library - Last updated 12/14/2023
Lexington Tool Library has all kinds of stuff you can borrow when you need it instead of buying your own, especially if you’ll only use it once. It’s not just woodworking and carpentry tools, although they do have those. They define “tools” very broadly, and have cooking gear like Crock Pots and an air fryer, camping stuff, a sewing machine, hot glue guns, a fan, a heater, and lots more. You can browse the inventory, become a member, and more online at You have to become a member to borrow tools, but membership is pay-what-you-can.
Lexington Tool Library
498 Georgetown St. Room 104
Lexington, KY 40504
Hours: Thursdays 5pm-8pm
PowerOn Individual Tech Grant - Last updated 10/12/2023
Grant provides a free phone, tablet or laptop to an LGBTQAI+ person if selected. Must be at least 16 years old, a resident of the USA, and LGBTQAI+. An individual can apply for 1 device per 12-month period. An organization or professional must refer you; you cannot apply directly on your own. To apply, contact Casey Lyons at
Trans Health Care
A Guide for Individuals who have Experienced Medical Mistreatment- Last updated 2/25/2023
Elevated Access - Last updated 2/7/2024
Free flights to access trans health care or abortion care, apply here
Hormone Replacement Therapy Harm Reduction Guide - last updated 2/25/2023
How to Find a Gender Affirming Provider - last updated 2/25/2023
Kentucky Health Justice Network - KHJN provides advocacy, help navigating systems, and financial assistance for abortion care and trans health care. Please see their detailed entry in the Finding and Accessing Healthcare section on this page.
Norton Children’s Hospital PAGE program - Last Updated 5/24/2023
Norton’s provides gender affirming physical and mental health care for children and adolescents.
NOTE: Services may have changed in light of SB150, reach out to Kentucky Trans Health Justice Network for additional information.
Call: 502-588-3400
411 East Chestnut Street, Level 7
Louisville, KY 40202
720 2nd Avenue, Suite 102
Bowling Green, KY 42101
Southern Trans Youth Emergency Project - Health care resources for trans youth under 18 in response to SB150, the law banning gender affirming care for minors in Kentucky, please see the entry in the Youth section below for details and a link.
Transition Mapping Template - last updated 2/25/2023
988 Suicide and Crisis Hotline - Call 988 and press 1 for veterans. Please see the 988 entry in the “Crisis hotlines” section of this page for more details.
Kentucky Career Center - last updated 10/22/2022
Ashley Wiley works with veterans who are looking for work and have an additional challenge, such as a disability, a criminal record, lack of transportation, etc. Contact
Guide to VA Mental Health Services for Veterans and Families
LGBTQAI+ veterans’ care from the VA
Lexington VA Medical Center - Last updated 7/13/2022
"Serving ALL Who Served...Serving Service Members and Veterans During Transition and Beyond, Times of War--Times of Peace" through dedicated LGBT Veteran care, VA Pride Group, individualized care, and more.
2250 Leestown Road
Lexington, KY 40511
M-F 8am - 4:30pm
Lexington VA LGBT Care Coordinator Joel Goodrich, 859-233-4511 ext 5122
National Call Center for Homeless Veterans - 877-424-3838
Arbor Youth Services - LGBTQAI+ affirming emergency shelter for youth up to age 24, please see their entry in the Housing & Homelessness section above
BG Teen - Last updated 1/25/2024
BG Teen aims to provide safe spaces and programming in Bowling Green, KY where LGBTQ youth, their friends and allies can exist authentically, form community and be affirmed and supported. From twice monthly meetups to field trips to community collaborations and the Discord server, every teen can exist here authentically. BG Teen programming is for middle and high schoolers, and there are separate programs for young adults up to 25.
Meets at First Christian Church
1106 State St.
Bowling Green, KY 42101
Camp Beacon - Last Updated 1/25/2024
Affirming summer camp for LGBTQAI+ youth ages 13-18 from anywhere in Kentucky, secret location only shared with registered families, fun summer camp activities like archery, swimming, rock climbing, tie-dye, talent show, etc. in an affirming, joyful environment. Monitored Discord community allows youth to stay connected after camp. You can change your name and gender marker in their records without changing them legally. They do not ask about your citizenship status. Staff are mandated reporters, so any disclosure of abuse or intent to harm self or others accompanied by identifying information will be reported to the state.
Phone: (502) 209-8014
Children’s Advocacy Center of the Bluegrass - A CAC is like a r*pe crisis center for minors. For more info, please see their entry in the For Survivors section earlier on this page.
Cincinnati Children’s Hospital - Last Updated 11/15/2023
Gender affirming medical care for patients 5-24 years old, still legal in Ohio
Cincinnati Children’s Hospital
Living With Change Center
3333 Burnet Avenue
Cincinnati, Ohio 45229-3026
Phone number for appointments: 1-513-636-4681
Transgender Clinic nurse line: 513-636-8594
Transgender Clinic social worker line: 513-636-0777
GLSEN - Conducts research, develops educational resources for teachers, advocates for policies to protect LGBTQ students, supports student-led efforts
Imi - Last updated 1/25/2024
imi is a series of guides, designed with and for LGBTQ+ teens, to help explore and affirm their identity. It’s free, backed by science, and helps teens learn practical methods to cope with sexual and gender minority stress in ways that are helpful, relevant, inclusive and joyful. It’s all self-guided, and the information you enter when you do the activities is not saved or sent to anyone, so it remains private only for you.
I Think I Might Be… - Advocates For Youth has a series of digital brochures for teens who are questioning whether they might be LGBTQAI+ in English, Spanish, and Arabic.
I Think I Might Be Lesbian
Creo que soy lesbiana
I Think I Might Be Gay
Creo que soy gay
I think I Might Be Bisexual + Pansexual
Creo que soy bisexual
I’m Muslim And I Might Not Be Straight
أنا مسلم وقد لا أكون مستقيماً
I Think I Might Be Transgender
Creo que soy transgénero
I’m Muslim And My Gender Doesn’t Fit Me
أنا مسلم وجنسي لا يناسبني
I Think I Might Be Asexual
Creo que soy asexual
I’m Muslim And I Support BLM: Undoing Anti-Black Racism In Our Communities
Kentucky Center for Grieving Children and Families - Last updated 1/25/2024
KCGCF provides support groups for children and teens grieving the deaths of loved ones. Groups are offered in school settings, other in person locations in Lexington, and online throughout Kentucky. They also provide training about children’s grief for adults who work with children. Their intake form asks you your gender identity and pronouns, each with a blank for you to write it however you want, and each group facilitator gets a list of participants’ names and pronouns. Participants’ gender identities, pronouns, and sexual orientations if they disclose them, can be kept private from parents if the participant wishes. You can change your name and gender marker in their records without having to change them legally first. They do not ask about your sexual orientation or citizenship status. Staff are mandated reporters, so any disclosure of abuse or intent to harm self or others accompanied by identifying information will be reported to the state.
Phone: (859) 813-2759
Kentucky Youth Law Project - legal aid for LGBTQAI+ youth u
p to age 25, please see their entry in the Legal section above
Lexington Pride Center's GSA - 6:30pm every Tuesday in person at the Pride Center, ages 13-19
Lexington Pride Center's LGBTQAI+ Family Group - Play time for kids 13 and under and their grownups, 3rd Sunday of each month, register for details
LGBT National Help Center’s Moderated Youth Chat Rooms - last updated 8/25/2023
LGBTQ Teens Chatroom Tuesdays & Wednesdays 4 - 7 pm Pacific for those 19 and younger, Trans Teens Chatroom Thursdays & Fridays 4 - 7 pm Pacific for those 19 and younger
LGBTQ College Student Resource Guide - Information on campus safety, mental health, online safety, LGBTQAI+ organizations and programs, research and data, intersectionality, getting involved in advocacy, paying for college, and getting started at work
Louisville Youth Group - LYG empowers & equips youth to take ownership of their own lives. We create space for youth to heal. 417 E Broadway, Louisville, KY, (502) 430-2016, or facebook
QChat Space - Last updated 1/25/2024
Q Chat Space provides live, chat-based discussion groups for LGBTQ+ and questioning teens ages 13 to 19. It is not a forum, and there is no video or audio. Everyone is chatting during the same pre-scheduled time. Our chats are facilitated by experienced staff and volunteers from youth programs at LGBTQ+ centers across the United States. You will be asked for your name and sexual orientation, which will be encrypted so only 2 staff can access it. You can change your name in their records without changing it legally. They do not ask about your citizenship status. Facilitators are mandated reporters, so any disclosure of abuse, self harm, or harm to others accompanied by identifying information will be reported to the state.
Southern Trans Youth Emergency Project - Last updated10/24/2023
Health care resources for trans youth under 18 in response to SB150, the law banning gender affirming care for minors in Kentucky:
Patient Navigation: Our patient navigators help families understand their options for continuing care in other Southern states or states contiguous to the South, including referrals to medical providers in the regional network we have worked to coordinate.
Emergency Grants: Families of trans youth can receive grants of $500 to support immediate needs, including travel expenses, medication costs, and mental health or wellness needs.
Frontline Grants: State and local organizations working directly with youth and their families are partnering closely with the CSE team, and we provide direct funding to help fuel their frontline work supporting trans youth.
Ecosystems of Care: We collaborate with providers and organizations to create an ecosystem of care and support through Town Halls, Resilience Workshops, referrals to mental health care and more.
Summer Blair, APRN - 859-858-9355 Nurse practitioner in Wilmore, KY who will assist with gender affirming care for children (may have changed in light of SB150) Press 2 for medical assistants, then 3 for Summer Blair’s assistant to leave a message
Sweet Evening Breeze - Emergency shelter for LGBTQAI+ youth ages 18-24 in Louisville, KY, please see their entry in the Housing & Homelessness section above
Didn’t find what you need? Try the Lexington Resource Library, a new community resource list for any Lexingtonian in need. It has sections on housing, food, clothing, families, seniors, LGBTQIA2S+, animals, health care, addiction recovery, job search, events, education, holidays, legal, and miscellaneous.