S.I.P. (Seasoned Independent People) 50+ Group

Many LGBTQIA+ seniors struggle with loneliness and isolation; they are often without family, and they are almost twice as likely to live in poverty and experience food insecurity than the general population. To help combat this social isolation, the Lexington Pride Center’s monthly dinner for Lexington’s LGBTQIA+ seniors gives them an opportunity to share a delicious meal and socialize with their peers. The dinner, called the SIP, with SIP standing for Seasoned Independent People, is well-attended and has been popular for years. While SIP started as a meal for people over 50, it has evolved into an intergenerational meal with all ages welcome and encouraged to attend. Our older SIP attendees love connecting and forming bonds with the younger generation providing connection and community. It is a special time of connection where our heroes, leaders and pioneers in the queer movement for equality pass down their experiences, life stories and wisdom to the younger generation. SIP is one of the only LGBTQIA+ recurring groups in Central Kentucky focusing on queer and trans seniors.