COVID-19 Resources for the LGBTQIA+ Community
Since we began dealing with COVID-19 in March of 2020, life has been full of change and uncertainty. The coronavirus pandemic has presented challenges to our physical and mental health. Those challenges may be amplified for people in the LGBTQIA+ community for a variety of reasons.
At the Lexington Pride Center our goal has been to keep on providing connections, support and services that celebrate and empower the lives of LGBTQIA+ Kentuckians, while doing everything we can to ensure our community is safe and healthy. The resources on this page have been compiled to help you find what you need to best handle the ongoing challenges of COVID-19.
Where can I get up-to-date, accurate information about what’s going on with COVID-19? Who can I contact with questions?
A good place to get the latest news and updates about COVID-19 in Kentucky is on the Team Kentucky Website at kycovid19.ky.gov. For the most current information about what’s happening with the coronavirus in Lexington, visit the city’s COVID-19 response page at https://www.lexingtonky.gov/COVID-19.
If you have specific questions about the virus or the pandemic, you can call the Lexington-Fayette County Health Department COVID-19 call center at (859) 899-2222. You can also email them with any questions or concerns to COVID19@lfchd.org.
Is getting a COVID-19 vaccination safe?
It is understandable that LGBTQIA+ folks may be worried both about the impact of COVID-19 on their health as well as the effects of getting a COVID-19 vaccination. In general, COVID-19 vaccines have been found to be safe and effective with very few side effects. People with a particular risk or health concern should talk to their health providers about the best options for protecting themselves from infection. For more information on the safety of COVID-19 vaccines visit the CDC’s web page at https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/facts.html.
Where can I get a COVID-19 vaccination? How much will it cost?
COVID-19 vaccines are free throughout Kentucky. In Lexington, you can reach out to one of the following resources to schedule an appointment to be vaccinated.
COVID-19 vaccines are available at the Lexington-Fayette County Health Department by same-day appointment every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at their Public Health Clinic at 650 Newtown Pike. Call 859-288-2483 to schedule your appointment.
UK Healthcare is providing COVID-19 vaccinations. To find out more and schedule an appointment, visit https://ukhealthcare.uky.edu/covid-19/vaccine or call (859) 218-0111.
To schedule an appointment with Wild Health Vaccination Clinics for a COVID-19 vaccination visit https://kyvax.wildhealth.com/ or call (859) 217-4679.
For more options for COVID-19 vaccinations visit https://www.lexingtonky.gov/COVID-19/vaccines.
You can find the statewide vaccine information by visiting vaccine.ky.gov or calling the vaccine hotline at (855) 598-2246.
The VaccineFinder webpage at https://www.lexingtonky.gov/COVID-19/vaccines provides information on locations in your area providing vaccinations. The CDC supports this resource; however, it may not have all locations listed. Check your state and local COVID-19 information pages for the most current information.
How can I get tested for COVID-19? How much will it cost?
COVID-19 tests are free at designated spots throughout Kentucky whether or not you have insurance. In Lexington, you can reach out to one of the following resources for testing.
Same-day testing appointments at multiple locations are available through Wild Health at https://wildhealthcovid19testing.as.me/schedule.php. Testing is provided daily from 7:30 am to 8:00 pm.
For additional testing sites including new options for staff and students of Fayette County Schools visit https://www.lexingtonky.gov/COVID-19/Drive-Thru-Testing.
For other testing sites in Kentucky, outside of Lexington visit https://govstatus.egov.com/ky-covid-testing.
How does COVID-19 impact the LGBTQIA+ differently?
LGBTQIA+ people are at particular risk for COVID-19 as a result of several factors:
We use tobacco at rates that are 50% higher than the general population. COVID-19 is a respiratory illness that has proven particularly harmful to smokers.
Higher rates of HIV and cancer among LGBTQIA+ individuals mean that a greater number of us may have compromised immunity, leaving us more vulnerable to Coronavirus infection.
LGBTQIA+ people experience health disparities. Health disparities affect the potential COVID-19 impact on us in two ways:
Access to care barriers leaves us less likely to get medical care, and existing health disparities mean more of us live in a state of compromised health.
Are there special precautions LGBTQIA+ people should take?
This is a time where widespread community response can slow transmission. As an LGBTQIA+ person, the faster you take steps to reduce your potential transmission of the virus, the more community members (and others) you will help. Here are steps you can take to help prevent spread of COVID-19:
If you determine it’s safe for you, get vaccinated.
Wear a mask whenever you leave your home and are around people. The spread of COVID-19 has been shown to be slowest when masks are worn.
Try to minimize time spent in close quarters with other people inside. Try to maintain 6’ distance when indoors.
Try to move outside when meeting with people outside your household. There are extremely few known cases of outdoor transmission of COVID-19.
If you are an LGBTQIA+ person who has cancer, smokes, is living with unsuppressed HIV, is over 65 years old, or has any other fragile health condition, consider taking additional measures to avoid risk of infection. This could include more vigilance about staying away from symptomatic people, it could include avoiding larger gatherings of people, and should definitely include practicing excellent epidemic hygiene, like frequent hand washing and breaking habits of face-touching.
Get tested regularly if you feel you may have been exposed to COVID-19 or if you have symptoms, even if you have been vaccinated.
Quarantine in your home if you test positive for COVID-19 and follow the requirements of your local health department.
What is the Lexington Pride Center doing with regard to COVID-19? What services do you offer to help?
The Lexington Pride Center is open Tuesday through Saturday from 11:00 am to 6:00 pm. All of our staff and volunteers are vaccinated. Masks are required to visit the Lexington Pride Center in person, regardless of vaccination status. We have masks and hand sanitizer available for anyone who needs them.
We’d be happy for you to call us at 859-797-8352 or email us at officemanager@lexpridecenter.org if you need help with any of the following:
Finding a COVID-19 testing or vaccination site or an LGBTQIA+ affirming medical provider;
You are isolated and would like someone to text or call you periodically to check in;
You would like to sign up for free groceries from our People’s Market;
Finding local mental health resources, including support in dealing with COVID-19;
Connecting with the local LGBTQIA+ community in safe ways including virtual and in-person groups at our Pride Center.
Other COVID-19 Information and Resources for the LGBTQIA+ Community
The National LGBT Cancer Network’s COVID-19 information page - a great resource for everyone in the community - not only for those with cancer or cancer survivors.
Human Rights Campaign’s COVID-19 information page
COVID-19 Guide for Trans People
What People with HIV Need to Know About the New Coronavirus
COVID-19 and LGBTQ Older People from SAGE
Tips for Quarantining in a Non-LGBTQ Friendly Environment
Information on Having Safe Sex During the Time of COVID-19
Psychological Responses to Quarantine, What To Expect & Do - Coronavirus
How Queer and Marginalized Communities Can Take Care of One Another during COVID-19
*Some information on this page was adapted from the National LGBT Cancer Network.